Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] in the 1950s " in BNC.

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1 Nonetheless , working in the artificial intelligence centres that began to open in the 1950s and 1960s , computer scientists began to make progress of a sort .
2 Doris Lessing , for example , began publishing in the 1950s , but did not question the appropriateness of the realist mode to her conceptual concerns until the 1960s .
3 The exception is the UK where taxation on corporate profits began to decline in the 1950s .
4 Eurocurrency markets began to develop in the 1950s and grew most spectacularly in the 1960s and 1970s .
5 A Chicago engineer and architect , he started collecting in the 1950s the books he loved as a child , and then moved on to literature , science and judaica .
6 The party may claim to be in the vanguard of history , but its clock seems to have stopped in the 1950s .
7 The cyclotron was a research facility through into the 1980s , but was an expensive and remarkable piece of equipment to have appeared in the 1950s in a country where , neither before nor since , has there been much cash for anything scientific .
8 Nye Bevan I had met in the 1950s — again through George Wigg — and had come to know almost intimately .
9 A special commission of the Bulgarian government uncovered the existence of concentration camps which had operated in the 1950s and 1960s in which some prisoners were tortured and killed .
10 In another study , Johansen and Fuguitt ( 1984 ) from a sample of 572 of the 11,334 villages in the USA ( defined as a population of less than 2,500 in 1960 ) found that while only half of the villages had grown in the 1950s , two-thirds had grown in the 1970s , and that this growth was no longer restricted to the larger villages .
11 They recognise full well that , if that had happened in the 1950s , 1960s or 1970s , the story of this country in Europe and of the Community would have been different .
12 It was reported in February 1990 that victims of nuclear testing in the islands , which had ended in the 1950s , would receive $45,000,000 in compensation from the USA .
13 Another came from Le Corbusier and pre-war German and Dutch architecture , which gave us the LCC 's Roehampton Lane ( Alton West ) Estate ; this latter style tended to predominate in the 1950s .
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