Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] origins in the " in BNC.

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1 It is the outcome of a process which , for Harkabi , has its origins in the Israelis ' overwhelming , intoxicating victory in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war .
2 The sterling standard for silver ( 925 parts per thousand of silver with the remainder being mainly copper ) has its origins in the fourteenth century and has continued virtually without interruption to the present day .
3 While this has its origins in the manipulation of plant and animal species that began c. 10 kyr BP ( section 3.3 ) it has been confined to plant and animal breeding programmes .
4 The proposed Clothing Industry Management degree has its origins in the perceived need in the clothing industry for well-educated managers to ensure a viable future .
5 They , exclusive of all other species , are free to choose , and in the final analysis , that instinct which has its origins in the mammalian family life is most likely to take precedence , and humans will choose to live with the relatively small family group as the ultimate refuge .
6 The Geological Survey of Great Britain has its origins in the early work of the Ordnance Survey and in the research of eminent members of the Geological Society of London .
7 The second myth is also seen in an early poem , The Rape of Lucrece , which has its origins in the story of Tarquin 's rape .
8 The term has its origins in the Old French word ‘ ecurie ’ which meant a barn or a stable .
9 This work has its origins in the early intelligence test movement and , later , in a specific concern with creativeness as a possibly separable aspect of intellectual functioning .
10 The existence of academic , pedagogic and utilitarian traditions in school curricula has its origins in the separate sectors of the educational system which preceded the comprehensive era .
11 In the case of suburban-type housing , the view of domestic life it ultimately reflects is a strongly traditional one that has its origins in the early development of industrial capitalism and the ensuing ideological split between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ life developed by the Victorian bourgeoisie .
12 The provision of this form of care has its origins in the pre-war public hospitals , which had a large number of patients with chronic health care problems .
13 Planning as a local authority responsibility has its origins in the public health and housing policies of the nineteenth century , but from the outset the objectives were broader than a simple emphasis on the efficient use of land .
14 This ecumenical publication has its origins in the experimental work of the Community of St. John the Baptist at Clewer .
15 It can be argued that town planning has its origins in the early cities of , say , Egypt or Mexico , or in the architecture of Renaissance Europe .
16 The CAB service has its origins in the combined operation set up in 1938 by the Ministry of Health , the National Council for Social Service and the Family Welfare Association to provide advice and information in an emergency .
17 As with corporate planning , strategic planning has its origins in the private sector .
18 The QWERTY keyboard has its origins in the days of early mechanical typewriters .
19 The standard of living is another key measure which has its origins in the same source .
20 The term comprador , from the Portuguese ‘ to buy ’ , has its origins in the employment of the domestic servants of white colonialists in India and China .
21 Possibly it has its origins in the ‘ white noise ’ techniques which the Brits , ever the innovators , pioneered in Northern Ireland in the 1970s ( it has always seemed unjust that what was deplored then as a human rights abuse was later marketed under the brand name of acid house ) .
22 However , the Nez Perce themselves placed their origins in the blood of a mythical monster slain by the culture hero Coyote .
23 There can be said to be at least three main schools of management theory addressing the people problem : the classical school embodying the work of F. W. Taylor and Henri Fayol , the behaviourist school founded by Elton Mayo and the quantitative school which appears to have had its origins in the operations research techniques developed during World War Il .
24 Among the peoples of the north the Yakuts were unique in having a way of life based upon cattle and horses which , like their Turkic language , betrayed their origins in the steppes of Mongolia .
25 Marx 's contribution is to see ideology as having its origins in the social relations characteristic of the mode of production and not the result of prejudice in the individual .
26 This then is the origin of the two distinct types of CAD system which now exist ( with a third having its origins in the manufacturing phase ) .
27 Political realism is the oldest , and potentially the most influential , approach to global politics , having its origins in the wars between the city-states of ancient Greece and claiming among its antecedents the writings of Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes .
28 De Beauvoir 's lifelong habit of keeping her emotions under ‘ constant , rigid control ’ is seen to have its origins in the repressive upbringing that her mother attempted to impose .
29 The failure is said to have its origins in the second half of the nineteenth century when a number of changes were taking place in the structure of British domestic banking , and in the nature of corporate ownership .
30 The pterosaurs , flying reptiles , also had their origins in the Triassic and became widespread and varied during the Jurassic and Cretaceous .
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