Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] an alarming [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 indeed , was beginning to increase at an alarming rate — the resources to meet the challenge were simply not to hand .
2 NURSES are literally worrying themselves sick trying to cope with the increased pressures of their job , according to an alarming report published today .
3 Not surprisingly , therefore , import penetration increased from the mid 1960s onwards and then moved at an alarming rate in the early 1970s .
4 Lynda Warren , author of the report , said : " This industry has grown at an alarming rate , in a complete policy vacuum .
5 The results raise fears that the thinning ozone layer , and consequent increase in ultra-violet ( uvB ) radiation , may be leading to an alarming rise in skin cancer .
6 Many academic research projects take years to complete ; a scheme designed to support them must thus be future-proof — and this in a world where technology continues to mutate at an alarming rate .
7 If anything was growing at an alarming rate , it was the network of railway lines running out of the centre of London to outlying suburbs .
8 In rich societies , on the other hand , most people do have enough discretionary income left ( or have easy access to credit ) after they have paid for their food and shelter , though the numbers who do not appear to be growing at an alarming rate in some rich countries ( as the growth of homelessness in the United States and the United Kingdom seems to suggest ) .
9 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
10 The poverty figures are still growing at an alarming rate . ’
11 The creature grows at an alarming rate , then escapes and cuts a swathe of destruction as it moves through the southern Italian countryside .
12 With 40 million people starving and infant mortality rising at an alarming rate , doctors must start pressurising governments and banks to stop this spiral of deprivation and environmental degradation in which the world 's poorest countries are trapped .
13 This statement points to an alarming rift in English , and suggests that degree classes can be determined by whichever side wins the battle in a particular examination meeting .
14 Managers came and went at an alarming rate ; there was Board Room take-over ; gates began to dwindle and the Palace were candidates for relegation from well before Christmas .
15 Their gig attendances grew at an alarming rate and occasional support spots to The Fall were no longer a viable notion .
16 Wicker waste paper baskets and bathroom sponges are guaranteed to be disintegrated at an alarming rate if left in the open .
17 They reared to an alarming angle , the tractor pointing to the roof , the wheels slipping in the juice cascading from the broken stalks .
18 His shoulders sloped at an alarming angle so that he looked like a pyramid wearing a hat .
19 In June 1873 , the STC reported that it was " scarcely possible " to speak with confidence of the numbers employed , " perhaps they may reach 50 [ overall ] … but the number is increasing at an alarming rate " .
20 Car use is increasing at an alarming rate .
21 Violent crime is increasing at an alarming rate , and more and more of our members are at risk of becoming victims .
22 Fashions change at an alarming rate and at any given time experts hold differing views .
23 During this period of contraction , both passenger and freight services were withdrawn at an alarming rate , being substituted by short-lived bus services and road freight transport .
24 And they have been renewed on an alarming scale since the crisis started .
25 SALARIES for university law teachers have slipped so badly and professional salaries risen so dramatically that experienced staff are being lost at an alarming rate , the Committee of Heads of University Law Schools reported this week .
26 That preference has been strengthened by an alarming rise in unemployment since last autumn .
27 The estimated cost of the Channel tunnel continues to rise at an alarming rate , to the distress of both shareholders and the company 's bankers .
28 Paul calls his children the Tribbles , after the small furry creatures that make strange cooing noises and seem to reproduce at an alarming rate .
29 Welcome back : Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate and urgent action is needed to protect it for future generations .
30 In its report titled the Lost Land published today , it claims our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate .
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