Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the royal society " in BNC.

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1 Although Fair Isle is officially part of Shetland , and I had been a keen birdwatcher since I was a boy , I had never had the opportunity to visit the island until I had started to work for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
2 Some of these questions are now being addressed in the Royal Society of Arts ' Tomorrow 's Company inquiry into company purpose in a changing world , which was launched at the end of January .
3 This testimonial was given by Edmund Halley [ q.v. ] in a letter written ‘ By the command of the Royal Society ’ in 1693 : ‘ I have , by Order of the Royal Society seen and examined the method used by Mr John Marshall , for grinding glasses , and find that he performs the said work with greater ease and certainty , than hitherto has been practised , by means of an invention , which I take to be his own , and new , and whereby he is enabled to make a great number of Optick-Glasses , at one time , and all exactly alike , which having been reported to the Royal Society , they were pleased to approve thereof , as an Invention of Great Use , and Highly to deserve Incouragement . ’
4 On 11th and 12th October , 1977 , a Symposium on the Natural Environment of the Outer Hebrides , organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Nature Conservancy Council , was held in the Society 's rooms in Edinburgh .
5 The selection was organised by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation wildlife trusts partnership together with BT and the Department of the Environment .
6 She told a conference organised by the Royal Society of Edinburgh that such a conclusion would not win universal acclaim and would be seen by some as lowering the moral tone of the country .
7 Last Session a team of four pupils from Heriot 's represented Edinburgh and South East of Scotland at the national final held in London of the ‘ Top of the Bench ’ quiz organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry .
8 A three-mile stretch of the 400-foot high Bempton Cliffs at Flamborough Head is owned by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , bought with money raised by children of the Puffin Club ( Penguin Books ) .
9 With our proposals to reform A-levels in the way recommended by the Royal Society and others , the broader range of subjects that will be available will enable those who do not specialise in science to maintain an interest .
10 A lecture on nuclear physics prepared for the Royal Society would not be a suitable input for a Rotary Club Lunch .
11 In 1983 , Conran was presented with The Royal Society of Arts Bicentenary Medal , awarded to designers who have ‘ exerted an exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry ’ .
12 Scottish Nuclear has been presented with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents ( RoSPA ) silver award for Health and Safety .
13 Other shortlisted entries in Category 1 came from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Help the Aged .
14 An early correspondent of both Miller and Blair was Dr James Douglas ( 1615–1742 ) , whose paper on the cultivation of saffron , as presented to the Royal Society , was included by Miller in the Dictionary .
15 There was a celebrated individual who devoted a large part of his life to carefully recording everything that he observed ; upon his death , this complete set of observations was presented to the Royal Society in the hope that it would be of use to scientists .
16 Indeed , many share the running of Drama Board ( transferred to the Royal Society of Arts from 1981 ) courses .
17 According to the Royal Society of Portrait Painters , which has just celebrated its centenary , of the thousand-odd portraits undertaken professionally each year , hardly any are commissioned by their subjects .
18 Many of Europe 's population of the species depend on the site , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
19 Swan numbers in the UK have increased by 25 per cent in the five years since anglers stopped using lead weights , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
20 The EC is already funding a management programme for the threatened wetlands , and according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , the Commission would be " pouring its own money down the drain " if it were to decide to back the scheme .
21 The UK government 's latest offer of oil exploration licenses threatens key wildlife sites , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) .
22 A combination of ideal weather conditions and careful management of protected sites has resulted in a record breeding season for several of Britain 's rarest bird species , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) .
23 Major airlines are still transporting wild birds from the Far East to Europe , despite assurances to the contrary , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) .
24 Hopes of record breeding for many rare birds in the UK this year were ruined by poor weather , according to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds .
25 Why does he refuse to talk to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds about licensing to kill birds ?
26 The reserve is part owned and part leased by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , ably managed by RSPB resident warden , Jimmy Dunbar .
27 As with all claims made by competing groups for the objective nature of their own discourse , those made by the Royal Society are tainted by the contingencies of the world in which they were made .
28 Far from doing this , Hildyard and Olson simply reproduce those very conventions in their own work making the same claims for objectivity as those made by the Royal Society .
29 Since Handa Island was adopted by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in 1962 , it has become a mecca for British ornithologists and enthusiastic amateur birdwatchers .
30 He sent examples of the air thermometer to friends at home and abroad , and soon after his death it was adopted by the Royal Society and Kew Observatory .
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