Example sentences of "[noun] existing at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 1.3 ‘ Net receipts ’ means payments due and actually paid and received by the Publisher arising from the sale or exploitation of the Video and converted into sterling at the current rate of exchange existing at the date of receipt in the United Kingdom
2 1.3 ‘ Net receipts ’ means payments due and actually paid and received by the Publisher arising from the sale or exploitation of the Video and converted into sterling at the current rate of exchange existing at the date of receipt in the United Kingdom
3 Small mammal faunas in the fossil record provide one of the principal methods of interpreting the ecology or habitat existing at the time the fossils were preserved .
4 If there is no agreement as to the extent of the holding , it is designated by the court by reference to the circumstances existing at the date of the order ( s32(2) ) .
5 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
6 The main right-wing opposition party , National Renewal ( RN ) , criticized the description of the political circumstances existing at the time of the coup , but otherwise gave the report a favourable reception , as did the parties of Aylwin 's centre-left government and the mainstream left .
7 Where liability for negligence is excluded by a notice , the reasonableness of the exclusion depends on whether it would be fair and reasonable to allow reliance on the notice having regard to the circumstances existing at the time liability arose , or would have arisen .
8 However , major defects existing at the time of the sale are another matter .
9 It would be misleading to imply that there were only three strata of funeral existing at the end of the sixteenth century — monarchial , noble and guild ; what one had depended entirely on one 's status .
10 The composition of these pore waters was controlled by the conditions existing at the surface , and these in turn were dependent on the stage reached in the ‘ evaporation cycle ’ ( Clark 1980a ; Clark and Tallbacka 1980 ) .
11 The requirement to take ‘ all practicable measures ’ involves more than taking reasonable care : it means doing what is feasible in the light of the state of knowledge existing at the time of the alleged breach of duty , thus knowledge as to the availability of abatement methods and the likelihood of the dust or fumes to cause injury or offence is relevant.l
12 Some early maps of this type show , albeit crudely , the kinds of houses existing at the time of drafting , and it is possible to appreciate the difference between the houses of , say , the more well-to-do freeholder and the lowlier tenant .
13 Most current schemes of assessment for lower-attainers existing at the time the report was written , concentrated on computational skills .
14 A US magistrate denied the request under the treaty existing at the time , which barred extradition if the defendant was charged with acts ‘ political in nature ’ .
15 Covenants existing at the time of the 1988 Budget are not affected by the change and can continue as before until their expiry .
16 The essence of the matter was stated in the first sentence of Article 613 : ‘ when an enterprise or a part of an enterprise is transferred to another owner ( sic ) as a result of a legal transaction , the latter shall succeed to the rights and obligations under the contracts of employment existing at the date of the transfer ’ ( my translation ) .
17 But the theory still needs a general concept of the state , and this may be elaborated in such a way as to retain , covertly , the idea of ‘ stateless ’ societies existing at the beginning and end of a historical process .
18 The court may annul a bankruptcy order if at any time it appears to the court that the order ought not to have been made ( on any grounds existing at the time the order was made ) or the debts and expenses of the bankruptcy have all been either paid or secured to the satisfaction of the court since the making of the order ( s 282(1) ) .
19 " The drawer impliedly represents that the state of facts existing at the date of delivery of the cheque is such that in the ordinary course the cheque will on presentation for payment on or after the date specified in the cheque be met " ( per Robert Goff LJ in Gilmartin , approved in Hamilton ) .
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