Example sentences of "[noun] to commit [pn reflx] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over 200 companies have signed the ICC 's Business Charter for Sustainable Development , which urges industry to commit itself to the development of products which require the minimum amount of energy and natural resources to produce , and which can be recycled or disposed of safely after use .
2 They included : the need for international and regional supervision of a ceasefire ; proper political guarantees for the guerrillas ; an end to guerrilla attacks on the civilian population and on the economic infrastructure ; the need for the business community to commit itself to the peace process ; presentation by the government of the Second Geneva Protocol to Congress ; and the continued existence of the Advisory Commission on Public Order .
3 Councillors had an understandable reluctance to commit themselves to a political course which would deprive them of access to patronage , and it was for this reason that it was necessary for politicians to provide demonstrations of power .
4 ( c ) the willingness of the offeror to commit itself to the time and expense involved in a contested bid ;
5 The British Prime Minister , John Major , has spoken out against the US 's refusal to commit itself to a declaration concerning targets and schedules aimed at controlling emissions of greenhouse gasses .
6 But however much he hated the thought of allowing Sara to commit herself to a man she had never met , he knew her too well and loved her too much to try to keep her at home against her will .
7 It took time for the Americans to commit themselves to a battle for the stomachs , hearts and minds of the people living in the Western zones of Germany .
8 The reluctance of private capital to commit itself to a still depressed regional economy must be viewed in the context of MDC 's changing development strategies .
9 My objection was not to discussion of the subject , but to the refusal of those who might be expected to be clear and able spokesmen of the Church to commit themselves to a firm position on right and wrong .
10 There were several motives which might bring a man to commit himself to a fairly long period ( eight years in France from 1762 onwards ) of military service .
11 ‘ The emergency committee has unanimously decided to press British Gas to commit itself to the relocation of this installation at the earliest possible date . ’
12 ‘ . ’ He is drawing attention to the fact that ‘ I know ’ is sometimes used by a speaker to commit himself to the truth of what he proceeds to say .
13 Plans had to be put on hold when the Royal National Theatre decided to stage The Miser in London but the actor was keen enough on the project to commit himself to the project months ahead and risk turning down more lucrative work .
14 Like a conveyance , in three cases : ( 1 ) When the purchase is by two or more persons , when they must sign in order to commit themselves to the terms on which they hold .
15 Saying that the council had been pressing the Scottish Office for a long time to commit itself to a new bridge , the administration leader , John MacDougall , said while welcoming their decision , it was vital that the views of users would be taken into account .
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