Example sentences of "[noun] to compensate for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not only has the arid nature of the land inspired successive rulers to create the most exquisite and luxuriant ornamental gardens in their palaces and towns ; it has also spurred generations of textile artists to compensate for the harshness of their environment by weaving emblems of foliate abundance into their rugs .
2 He subsequently offered to supply free electricity to Czechoslovakia to compensate for the loss of generating capacity from the plant .
3 Deprived of its mother 's constant care in those years , it will grow up emotionally handicapped , incapable of forming deep relationships and might steal in an attempt to compensate for a lack of mother love .
4 In an attempt to compensate for the reduction of Soviet aid the government made serious efforts during 1990 to improve economic relations with its Asian neighbours , including Thailand , Indonesia and Taiwan .
5 News of the donation reached the UK press by June 6 and prompted a hostile reaction , as it was interpreted as an attempt to compensate for the killing of a policewoman , Yvonne Fletcher , outside the Libyan People 's Bureau in London in April 1984 [ see pp. 33004-05 ] .
6 The children need to be taught to move head and eyes to compensate for the field loss .
7 Moreover , although a great cult may have brought in more than enough wealth to compensate for the damage caused by those fleeing from the king 's anger , that wealth could still attract the attention of would-be thieves .
8 The Turkish government , which had announced the intended diversion on Nov. 20 , 1989 , rejected the complaint , pointing to the fact that it had increased the supply of water to Iraq and Syria by 50 per cent between November and January to compensate for the loss of water in January-February .
9 RENTOKIL was quick off the mark yesterday when it decided to increase its dividend by more than earnings to compensate for the Chancellor 's decision to cut the tax credit on dividends from 25 per cent to 20 per cent .
10 However , the investor may sell his or her rights to compensate for the fall in the value of the investment , 3,100 - ( 1,000 ) ( 2.99 ) =110 .
11 Rumours that the government will be forced to impose VAT on printed matter and other zero-rated goods to compensate for a shortfall in public finances and to reduce borrowings are being taken very seriously by the main book trade associations .
12 A night fighting variant , the Firefly NF.II , was developed in which an 18° extension was incorporated aft of the engine firewall to compensate for an alteration in the aircraft 's centre of gravity .
13 The present improvement has for its object to compensate for the disturbance of the balance between the upgoing and downgoing lifts which occurs by the immersion of the latter in the water at the foot of the incline , and the improvement consists in gradually diminishing the gradient at the upper end of the incline so as to avoid the great increase of haulage power which would otherwise be required to raise the ascending lift from about the moment when the descending dock begins to enter the water .
14 Er we do hold the view that the sixty hectares is sufficient on the on the basis that there is a degree of flexibility within the structure plan provision , er and that er flexibility should allow us erm in special circumstances for example to compensate for the loss of existing major employment erm sites , erm to make additional provision over and above that .
15 Does it ever occur to these orchestra-first people that , whereas in the theatre , though you may hear more of the orchestra than of the singers , nevertheless your attention is focused visually on the stage , while on disc you need the stage brought into the aural foreground to compensate for the loss of the visual facility ?
16 This would help domestic industry to maintain both its market share and its profitability , as European and Japanese firms would be obliged to increase their dollar prices to compensate for a fall in the dollar against their currencies .
17 And that means that even the AS/400 is potentially at risk , and can only continue to be a winner if IBM builds in a big discount to compensate for the fact that it is proprietary — yet instead of recognising this vulnerability , with its incredible but consistent short-termism , the company is squeezing AS/400 users until they squeal with its software pricing on the machine .
18 The newspaper published an apology and agreed a sum to compensate for the distress caused to Lord Dervaird and his family .
19 The newspaper published an apology and agreed a sum to compensate for the distress caused to Lord Dervaird and his family .
20 It is important therefore to build into the existing legal disincentives a heavy penalty to compensate for the difficulty of detection .
21 If the hummingbird comes back too soon , there will not be enough food to compensate for the energy it had to expend in getting there .
22 Even in that situation you would probably be rescued by a passing cruise ship , on board which they would stuff you endlessly with food to compensate for the boredom of the interminable view of the sea .
23 Like Hungary , Poland is using tax breaks and special currency provisions in an effort to compensate for the lack of a convertible currency .
24 It has even been speculated that a community which has grown up around a manufacturing plant may have a claim for compensation against the owners , if the latter decide to close the plant , in order to compensate for the diminution of land values and the destruction of the local economy .
25 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
26 So to maintain a correct course , the bee has to use its body clock to gauge the time and then adjust the angle to compensate for the sun 's movement .
27 The national and regional survey figures indicate that the large companies are in a better position than small companies to expand their export activity to compensate for a recession in the home market .
28 There is moderate reduction in lung cancer risk associated with lower tar cigarettes but research in the UK suggests that the assumed health advantages of switching to lower tar may be largely offset by the tendency of smokers to compensate for the reduction in nicotine ( cigarettes lower in tar also tend to be lower in nicotine ) by smoking more or inhaling more deeply [ 4 ] .
29 The input of energy to compensate for the dissipation must be provided by the only remaining term , .
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