Example sentences of "[noun] to account for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such a debate would give right hon. and hon. Members — particularly those whose constituents , like mine in the north-west , are suffering from the loss of their MGN pensions — an opportunity to ask the Opposition to account for the way in which some of their members who were trustees of the MGN fund behaved in a wholly negligent way .
2 These words of Monsignor Guardini , written nearly thirty years after my early musings , expressed a growing need in my thinking to account for the Buddha in the providence of God .
3 The impossibility of maintaining a minute to minute control of larger staff will inevitably cause complications during any roll-call attempt to account for every person .
4 Situated within a tradition of sociological inquiry into working-class attitudes and behaviour , it is a theoretically sophisticated attempt to account for the dynamics of political change in a particular locality .
5 Applied to the human race , sexual selection allowed Darwin to account for the loss of body hair by assuming that this character had become sexually desirable among our distant ancestors .
6 Simmel effectively extends Marx 's concept of rupture to account for the inability of modern individuals to recognize themselves in the world of goods .
7 The major problems included the need to account for the differences in the schools ' intakes , deciding which groups of pupils were included in the result statistics ( e.g. whether sixth form pupils taking ‘ O ’ levels were included along with 5th formers ) , and the problem , for outsiders such as Gray , of getting hold of all the relevant statistics .
8 Our case is that , while the nature of the social relations at the workplace is clearly an important differentiating characteristic of the Dukeries field , they are probably a necessary but insufficient factor to account for the response of miners there to the 1926 and 1984 calls to strike .
9 Gosse was perplexed at the vast tracts of time required by geologists to account for the deposition of all the strata .
10 This has given rise to a series of , occasionally bizarre , arguments to account for the pattern .
11 Trivers ( 1971 ) used essentially this argument to account for the evolution of ‘ reciprocal altruism ’ , in which animals cooperate only with those that cooperate with them .
12 The project attempts to account for the variety of economic strategies fishermen have adopted through an examination of their behaviour as entrepreneurs , employers and employees .
13 Okay , so , that 's , they 're the reasons to account for the rise in absolute values of er , trade in all commodities , what about erm , why has the er , trade in manufactures er , increased as a proportion of total trade ?
14 But since it has proved notoriously difficult for determinists to account for the emergence of new and revolutionary ideas , it would surely be wise of Althusser to show how he proposes to do it .
15 The idea that organisms or even whole species adapt in order to survive is a useful explanatory hypothesis to account for the acceptance or rejection of small genetic mutations .
16 The greatest authority in electrical science was A. M. Ampère , who had devised equations to account for the discoveries of Oersted and others , and was thus bringing electromagnetism within the realm of applied mathematics .
17 Thus , although the HeI stars obviate the need for a black hole to account for the energetics of the galactic nucleus , the questions remain , what powers the enigmatic source Sgr A and does the latter mark the presence of a black hole ?
18 The background light curves corresponding to Fig. 1 c and e were less clean , but the power spectra show no significant feature near the observed source QPO , and there is insufficient background variation to account for the QPO signal .
19 The validity of any model of global tectonics must be judged by its ability to account for the distribution and characteristics of these major structural regions .
20 This has been extended in the case of specific fruit and seed predators to account for the frequency of dioecy in some forests .
21 The attack on Quine therefore has two prongs , the rejection of MP and an attempt to show that we do not need to be atomists in order to account for the possibility of language learning .
22 There is no need , it is argued , to postulate any such substrata in order to account for the idea of particular identity .
23 This means that the initial state of the universe would have to have had exactly the same temperature everywhere in order to account for the fact that the microwave background has the same temperature in every direction we look .
24 Municipal autonomy in the regions of Italy and state autonomy in the USA seems to go some way to account for the ease of transfer of care .
25 This is the only way to account for the difference between the second tournament , in which Tit for Two Tats was ranked well down the list , and the first tournament , which Tit for Two Tats would have won .
26 Such changes are made in English to account for the notion more than one and for the notion meaning approximately in the past in verbs .
27 Savory argued that a stranger to whom money had been paid in breach of trust could only be held liable as a constructive trustee to account for the money after he had parted with it , if it could be shown that he knew the money misapplied was trust money .
28 Short-period and long-period comets with appropriate energies explode far too high in the atmosphere to account for the observations , whereas iron objects ( with rare exceptions ) explode too low , or not at all .
29 Comets and carbonaceous asteroids deposit their energy too high in the atmosphere to account for the Tunguska explosion , whereas iron objects reach and crater the surface .
30 These may be for short periods of time to account for the non-matching of the firm 's payments and receipts from its business .
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