Example sentences of "[noun] achieve [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 Recently , nine members of Windscale Judo Club achieved a higher level in the sport after successfully completing an upgrading contest .
2 The English text achieves a higher level of informality by appearing to consider various angles of the problem in a relaxed , casual way , as if the writer is simply taking up issues as they occur to him/her .
3 It has been shown that ‘ critical points ’ are reached ( for instance when car ownership achieves a certain level ) at which key elements of urban structure are transformed .
4 Each of the four areas achieved a different level of success in the development of a system of multidisciplinary assessment .
5 The former is one based on the career needs of the individual , and refers to the need to achieve a particular level ( passing an exam or reading technical material in that language ) , and the latter occurs when the learner seeks to identify with the culture and become part of it .
6 These courses are based around short projects and topics of general interest such as : the mass media , life styles , social problems , the arts , etc. , and concentrate on language functions and usage to enable the student to achieve a higher level of fluency and accuracy .
7 Val Pinder who has been away for some months due to illness achieves a fantastic level of sales and came in fourth .
8 Most people need about three weeks of daily training to achieve a useful level of skill , but do n't stop at that point .
9 The situations chosen were so chosen in order to achieve a reasonable level of plural continuations .
10 However , we have not included a poetry strand in the statements of attainment because we do not feel that any pupil should be required to write a poem in order to achieve a particular level of attainment .
11 In order to achieve a particular level of confidence in a design , certain activities have to be performed .
12 The following year , a multi-skilled , integrated team headed by Garrick Mound , of Subsurface , challenged all aspects of the reservoir understanding and mode of access in order to achieve the desired level of increased performance and productivity.All subsurface disciplines revisited the reservoir model to establish a realistic and robust understanding of the reservoir quality distribution and its uncertainties .
13 Risk control is the process of implementing the outputs of the previous stages in order to achieve the desired level of risk , initially in the decision making phase of a project , and subsequently throughout the rest of the project life cycle .
14 If you think of it the other way when , what happens when a price , when a price falls , alright , if farmers er , assume that price fall will be sustained over a number of periods , then they think , right well in order to achieve the same level of income , right , as I did previously , if prices have fallen , I 'm going to have to increase my output .
15 The following chapters consider the nature of air pollution problems in selected countries or groups of countries , and the strategy and tactics adopted to tackle air pollution problems in order to achieve an acceptable level of pollution .
16 ‘ Renault in association with Williams , has demonstrated its ability to achieve the highest level of automotive technology with its crushing superiority in this year 's Formula 1 world championship ’
17 With only a small part of the model described it becomes clear that creativity must be backed by a high level of logical rigour to achieve a high level of success .
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