Example sentences of "[noun] embark on [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A similar view may be taken where the parties embark on a criminal act together and the plaintiff is injured as a result of the defendant 's negligence .
2 In April , the French and the Scots embarked on a polite exchange of congratulatory diplomatic compliments , with the French claiming that they had attacked Boulogne only for the sake of the Scots .
3 In 1990 , the Halls embarked on an enormous fund-raising programme .
4 In the years leading up to the First World War the Hooligan embarked on a remarkable career , appearing in name if not in person before numerous governmental and semi-official bodies of enquiry .
5 This back scratching may include taking data directly from the banks computer , but more often it provides details of the bank 's systems , which makes it easier for the enquiry agent to embark on the well timed impersonation .
6 Contrary to prediction , we find Ruritania embarking on a hopeless war with a much stronger neighbour .
7 Lucian Freud embarking on a mammoth artistic task which occupied several months of early morning work .
8 By the summer of 1322 Edward felt secure enough at home to embark on a final solution of the Scottish problem .
9 He has lived on , you see , through the time when Athens embarked on the Peloponnesian War , and Cleon and Alcibiades buggered up the world 's first and best democracy .
10 Lindford CC and Lindford & Bordon Youth CC embarked on a major fund-raising campaign and most of the £5,400 has now been collected .
11 Ten years later the brewery embarked on a substantial redevelopment programme and rechristened the pub The Brown Trout ‘ to bring it more into keeping with Darlington ’ .
12 A top-level decision to embark on a nuclear weapons programme … might well involve falsification of records and a good deal of covering up .
13 Two years ago the Chartered Institute of Building embarked on a five-year Strategic Plan to develop a more influential role in the building industry in both the United Kingdom and overseas .
14 In the 1970s the courts embarked on a massive extension of the builder 's liability in negligence .
15 On the 27 January 1991 Siad Barré fled the country , and the clans embarked on the intractable conflict which has come to look like a nation intent on destroying itself .
16 SOME of the longer-serving staff and graduates may remember that in the mid-1970s the University embarked on a major review of its Charter and Statutes , designed to make changes in governance which we thought desirable after ten years of operation .
17 And she meant it , for she liked her college room , she was even mildly proud of it , and the thought of entertaining Clelia in it did not alarm her , though she had a deep aversion to the notion of entertainment , and had never in her whole three years at University embarked on the ritual tea parties or more ambitious sherry parties that mark the social life of such establishments .
18 He urged on me the need to embark on a full-sized book , and to send him a synopsis as soon as possible .
19 The best of deciding to be ordained is the knowledge that you dimly see your future and have the courage to embark on an irreversible way and feel that at least you commit yourself to help humanity in its suffering or its moral predicament .
20 Since previous to the revolution the majority of women had very low levels of education and , therefore , few opportunities open to them , the FMC embarked on an educational program and a rehabilitation scheme for the many women who found themselves in degrading and unrewarding situations .
21 On the strength of this , Tetley embarked on an 18-month factory retooling programme .
22 Nevertheless , a billion excitable spike-heads shout ‘ Bog off , daddy-o ! ’ as the Sex Pistols embark on a king-hell programme of sulphate-snorting , icon-busting magnificence , and the cosmos is never the same again .
23 Take the current situation for example : it is clear that the economy as a whole embarked on the present recession in about the middle of last year .
24 ‘ As you know only too well , ’ he wrote after leaving Broadlands on one occasion to embark on a six-month cruise , ‘ to me it has become a second home in so many ways , and no one could ever have had such a splendid honorary grandpapa in the history of avuncular relationships . ’
25 Jordan embarks on an electoral road to uncertainty : In November Jordanians will vote in the country 's first parliamentary elections in 22 years .
26 In September 1983 Habitat Mothercare embarked on a joint publishing venture with Octopus Books plc under the name of Conran Octopus Ltd .
28 Pound was in all seriousness embarked on an epic poem ( which he defined , following of all unlikely authorities Rudyard Kipling , as ‘ the tile of the tribe ’ ) ; he could not and did not expect understanding from readers who supposed that the epic poem had died in the seventeenth century if not before , whose expectations therefore were conditioned by their experience of the brief or else extended lyric .
29 The newspapers embarked on a steady reporting of rape and sexual assault cases , alleged to be on the increase , although official figures stated that sex offences were at a 10-year low .
30 It is believed to be Miss Glover who first encouraged Christabel to embark on the grandiose and obscure epic poem , The Fairy Melusina , a retelling of the old tale of the magical half-woman , half-snake .
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