Example sentences of "[noun] from top [prep] bottom " in BNC.

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1 Where the seat rails taper from top to bottom , as in the back of this chair , it is important to note on the plan whether the section is through the top or the bottom of the seat rail .
2 The exclusion of the lay influence from top to bottom had taken place before Innocent III 's time .
3 Clearly devolving responsibility for delivering the service locally by pushing such responsibility as far down the hierarchy to the point of delivery as is reasonably possible , and by ensuring that the local manager is placed in a hierarchy of managers , all with closely defined job descriptions from top to bottom of the organization
4 We 'd been planning to completely redecorate our home from top to bottom , and at first I just could n't face doing it alone .
5 I went through the whole place from top to bottom , cleaning it , polishing the furniture , and making everything just so , as my parents would have left it .
6 Not only did we double-glaze and fitted-Tintawn the whole place from top to bottom but I got my Dream Kitchen !
7 ‘ Searchin' the place from top to bottom in the ‘ ope that there might ‘ ave been some grub to be found , but I could n't even find any communion wine . ’
8 By dressing both the bride and the cake from top to bottom in virginal white , they created a wholly unintentional but blissful metaphor .
9 Turn the sides of the lining back and lockstitch ( page 33 ) lining to the wrong side of the curtain from top to bottom on all seams , and along the middle of each width ( fig. 28 ) .
10 She wrapped the gown close around her body and wandered back into the living-room , moving around aimlessly , pausing in front of the enormous bookcase that virtually filled one large section of the room from top to bottom .
11 We were allowed out of Croatia without any trouble but the Slovenians searched the lorry from top to bottom for weapons before allowing us through .
12 Cut halfway through the stem from top to bottom , then rinse well with cold , running water until no grit remains .
13 The Sheen inquiry found that the ferry company was ‘ infected with sloppiness from top to bottom ’ .
14 But Marx , in an equally tough voice , merely said , ‘ O.K. Let's do just that , ’ put his hand in his breast pocket , slowly pulled out a horribly official-looking envelope , and slowly and carefully took from that an even more horribly official-looking form , folded once , in what to Herr Nordern seemed an indescribably sinister manner from top to bottom instead of side to side .
15 ‘ Why did I have to fall for a suicidal maniac ? ’ she asked herself , and cleaned the flat from top to bottom to take her mind off the image of Jack dangling on the end of a rope above a muddy slit somewhere in subterranean Yorkshire !
16 There 's co-operation from top to bottom in all respects . ’
17 ‘ It 's fantastic when you think that a lot of people reckon this whole society 's evil from top to bottom , ’ says Jack .
18 What we really have to worry about , Cummins believes , is the ‘ Anglo conformity ’ that permeates the education hierarchy from top to bottom .
19 Fig. 1.12 Root marks on bone : Recent cow rib from Draycott , Somerset ; the cow died in 1977 and was excavated 8 years later , and the vegetation around the bone was exclusively nettles ( breadth of root impressions is approximately 300 microns ) ; the root marks are shown in three increasing magnifications from top to bottom : A ×12 ; B ×15 , C ×75 .
20 The four men had spent the night scouring their living-quarters from top to bottom .
21 They can just be people who believe they ought to reshape society from top to bottom .
22 The spectre of redundancy has been raised , and morale from top to bottom has become a cause for deep concern .
23 Kirov took only a few more minutes to search the small studio from top to bottom .
24 Draw a line down the middle from top to bottom .
25 Example 4 is a great lick for covering the whole fretboard from top to bottom .
26 First she was terrified there was a burglar , then when she 'd searched the house from top to bottom she got mad and shoved me back to bed .
27 Gone are the days when a couple furnished their house from top to bottom in a style that fitted in with the tastes of friends , neighbours , colleagues at work , or cronies down at the pub or tennis club .
28 The police turned up at his home after midnight on the night Joanna went missing and searched the house from top to bottom , even taking away his clothes for tests .
29 Sometimes , of course , it can work the other way round ; I recall a woman , going through a difficult time with her husband , returning after a few days ' holiday to find that he had swept and cleaned the house from top to bottom .
30 She and I are going to clean Moor House from top to bottom , and make all the Christmas preparations that you know nothing about , being only a man .
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