Example sentences of "[noun] be excluded [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many county courts are excluded from bankruptcy jurisdiction .
2 Rises in basal oesophageal pressure due to straining or breath holding were excluded by recognition of similar rises in the gastric pressure tracing , whereas true oesophageal body common cavity episodes were not associated with a comparable change of intragastric pressure ( Fig 2 ) .
3 Even innocent parties were excluded from court until 1887 .
4 Those in particular have connotations in both ways , for example in the sc the strategic level , er they might result in a whole sector being excluded from consideration .
5 It was symptomatic that when the judges were excluded from membership of the area consultative committees in the formative stages by a ruling by Lane , that it was the Circuit or courts administrators from the Lord Chancellor 's Department who were identified as being best placed to act as chairmen , rather than Home Office officials who were unable to draw on any existing regional organization .
6 And some of the people who had motives were excluded from suspicion by lack of opportunity .
7 My young friend Ed Douglas is wrong in assuming that Victor Saunders is excluded from hero-candidacy by virtue of his Gordonstoun education , but right in suggesting its irrelevance ( April issue ) .
8 In Hesse in January 1991 the CDU-FDP coalition was replaced by an SPD-Green coalition [ see pp. 37966 ; 38156 ] ; in the Rhineland-Palatinate in April the CDU was excluded from government and an SPD-FDP coalition was formed [ see pp. 38155-56 ; 38199 ] , and in Hamburg in June the SPD obtained an absolute majority of city-council seats [ see p. 38297 ] .
9 Farms below a labour input of 200 standard man days are excluded from grants for certain buildings and other structures so many part-time farmers do not qualify under either the AHDS or AHGS .
10 As far as the social element is concerned , a government should recognise the need to promote social cohesion by securing that all citizens have a standard of living that enables them to participate in the life of the community ; governments must take care that reductions in the social element of citizenship which they may regard as necessary in the area of economic policy do not result in sections of the population being excluded from citizenship and membership of the national community .
11 There is a danger of closed-belief systems emerging in the social sciences , but this can apply to the way in which a thinker is excluded from debates about human society as well as to the strict adherence to one thinker , or type of thinker , alone , as a safe source of authority .
12 On the whole , these collections receive a low amount of use , particularly if the use of short loan collections is excluded from consideration .
13 If foreign and domestic borrowing was excluded from revenue , the deficit was 50,900 million yuan , according to Western analysts ( US$1.00=5.3064 yuan as at March 25 , 1991 ) .
14 In the light of these findings it is important that Crohn 's disease and the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome are excluded in patients with H pylori negative DU who are not taking NSAIDs .
15 With older sufferers , erm , usually families are excluded from treatment , they 're kept out , they 're told that they 're daughter erm must be seen on her own and they feel very helpless and very unloved and unsupported by by the professionals .
16 The following types of goods are excluded from compensation and insurance cover :
17 Certain things are excluded from registration such as a method or principle of construction or features of shape or configuration dictated solely by the function the article has to perform , or which depend upon the appearance of another article of which it is intended to form an integral part .
18 51 persons were excluded from analysis because of missing data on age , gender , or obesity , and only 201 specimens from the region of Ayvalik were tested for anti-HEV , leaving 1350 persons for subsequent analysis .
19 Since peasants who still possessed any seed reserves or livestock were excluded from relief , they were compelled to sell them off in some cases in order to survive .
20 Overall , while the UK is the main beneficiary under Objective 2 ( Table 2 ) , the fact that the UK is excluded from Objective 1 assistance ( with the exception of Northern Ireland ) means that access to the vast bulk of the Structural Funds is denied .
21 Philip James Cattlin ( ACA ) of 97 Judd Street , London having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 17 March 1992 and 15 September 1992 being sole proprietor of a firm of Chartered Accountants , failed to cause that firm to comply with an order of the Disciplinary Committee made on 17 March 1992 that it pay costs in the sum of £500 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 14 August 1992 and 15 September 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 14 August 1992 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) and in that he in London between 19 May 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to satisfy a judgment of the County Court that he pay a sum of £5,634 and having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in London between 7 January 1992 and 4 August 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning a judgment of the County Court was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
22 Postgraduate education was excluded from eligibility for LEA discretionary grants ( it had been eligible under the 1962 Education Act ) .
23 Agricultural produce and game are excluded from liability under the Act unless it has undergone an ‘ industrial process ’ giving it ‘ essential characteristics . ’
24 Elite theorists argue that there are gross inequalities of political influence between interest groups ; that many mass-based groups promoting issues or views which threaten established elites are excluded from influence ; and that there are many groups not organized at all , or only episodically able to make their voices heard .
25 Thus , because of inaccessibility two to nine per cent of ulcers were excluded from randomisation .
26 Patients were excluded on grounds of the following criteria : age under 18 or over 70 years ; presence of hepatitis delta antibodies in serum ; antiviral or immune modulatory therapies in the preceding six months ; history or presence of decompensated liver disease ( ascites , encephalopathy , variceal haemorrhage ) ; pregnancy ; impaired immunity , including seropositivity for human immunodeficiency virus with T4 cells <400/mm ; inadequate levels of platelets ( <70×10/l ) or white blood cells ( <3×10/l ) ; recent drug or alcohol abuse ; presence of significant other disease that might interfere with the study .
27 Although fragmentation of slightly calcified stones in the gall bladder has been described , usually these patients were excluded from shock wave lithotripsy .
28 Foreign trade is excluded from consideration , since it is assumed that such trade will not affect the value of production , but merely affect its material form .
29 ( f ) Exclusion of witnesses In family proceedings , which are civil , there is no requirement that witnesses be excluded from court prior to giving evidence .
30 ( FCA ) of , who had been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Grimsby between 6 March 1989 and 15 July 1991 whilst Financial Director of a limited company misappropriated monies totalling an amount in excess of £90,000 was excluded from membership of the Institute and ordered to pay £350 by way of costs
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