Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] the lowest " in BNC.

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1 The number of levels ranged from two to five , but only one scheme had a level designed for the lowest ten per cent of attainers .
2 In elements with multiple electron orbits , the smallest orbits correspond with the lowest energy and these fill up first .
3 Check that the l.e.d.s connected to the lowest outputs flash first and that the display rapidly ‘ decays ’ when the sound stops .
4 Some plans have minimum lump-sum investments of just £300 to £500 , while Prosperity ( phone 0800 521546 ) offers the regular savings scheme with the lowest monthly subscription I have come across at just £10 a month .
5 The two provincial elections took place against a background of public opinion polls showing PCP federal Prime Minister Brian Mulroney 's standing with the electorate dropping to the lowest for any prime minister in the history of Canadian opinion polling .
6 From their figure , however , it can be extrapolated that the labelling index tended to level off , at a gastrin concentration corresponding to the lowest concentration giving maximal effect in the present study .
7 But February came with the lowest temperatures for years and March was not much better .
8 Before the union was formed the tariff against all outsiders was not prohibitive , and the home country 's imports came from the lowest cost source namely , the rest of the world .
9 A developmental stage theory refers similarities and differences to more-or-less-equal advances made from the lowest point on a universal scale of advance .
10 Of course , there is no band corresponding to the lowest energy band of O 2 , because the π g level of N 2 is empty ; but in marked contrast to the spectrum of O 2 , the first and third bands show sharp and dominant ( 0→0 ) peaks and clearly correspond to ionization from non-bonding levels .
11 The share price falls below the lowest current exercise price for 4 consecutive trading days or halfway between the lowest exercise price and the next potential series .
12 Since LMC passes through the lowest point on LAC , a natural monopolist with steadily falling LAC must face LMC below LAC .
13 Crime , violence , illegitimacy and venereal disease are steadily increasing yet the BBC employs people whose ideas and advice pander to the lowest human nature and accompany this with a stream of suggestive and erotic plays which present promiscuity , infidelity and drinking as normal and inevitable .
14 This might not have led to a massive reduction that saw the rabbits left at the lowest desirable number , but it was the best that could be done under the circumstances .
15 Companies bidding for franchises must satisfy them that they will broadcast a sufficient proportion of ‘ quality ’ programming , a fair enough requirement perhaps , given the limitless temptations to pander to the lowest common denominator .
16 Thus , even on the unrealistic assumption that consumers acting through the market are able to force managements to produce at the lowest possible cost , companies nevertheless retain a discretion within that constraint over such issues as plant location , appropriate levels of automation , and policy on research and development , since these and other delegated questions do not yield unique least-cost solutions .
17 THE number of deaths last year on Britain 's roads fell to the lowest level since records began in 1926 .
18 The Zakro temple lies in the lowest part of the valley , frequently half-submerged by the rising water-table , and threatened by further sea-level rises .
19 It is now possible to quantitate radioactivity in HPLC eluates at the lowest amounts practicable with the β- ram Flow-through monitor , available from Lablogic .
20 A second , more troublesome fraction exists at the lowest end of the working class .
21 The procedures operate on the lowest recognizable entities ; these being the most general description of points , lines , arcs , curves , text , etc .
22 With respect to the issue of subsidiarity , he emphasised that the British view of subsidiarity was to have decisions taken at the lowest effective level of authority .
23 In the city he is just another casual labourer working at the lowest level of urban employment .
24 Village elders voted at the lowest level instead of constituents and determined representatives to vote at the next highest level .
25 Begin to add the warm distilled water , drop by drop at first , to the oil and wax , beating with a rotary whisk , balloon whisk or an electric food mixer set at the lowest speed .
26 The striking feature of the activities at which children worked for a high proportion of the time was involvement with other people ; conversely , most of the activities at which children worked for the lowest proportion of time writing , reading , drawing/painting — involved no other people and could have been carried out most effectively in isolation .
27 On average , they get nearly 11 prescriptions per head per year compared with the lowest figure of six for the North West Thames region .
28 This order was simply ignored by the strikers , however , and in the end the government was forced to compromise , while de Gaulle 's own popularity fell to the lowest point of his entire presidency .
29 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
30 Official figures out yesterday indicated that British consumers saved at the lowest rate for 31 years while living standards actually declined 0.6 per cent between the first and second quarters of the year .
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