Example sentences of "motor insurance " in BNC.

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1 Cheap add-on policies , such as the supplements to your motor insurance policy , cover legal fees for ‘ uninsured loss recovery ’ .
2 Lower interest charges saw investment income fall 17 p.c. to £8.4m , but losses on the group 's general branch business were reduced by 25 p.c. to £4m , with a 52 p.c. jump in losses on motor insurance to £5m , offset by an improvement in the property underwriting account from the previous year 's losses to break-even .
3 In 1979 the average family spent £71 a year on motor insurance , £21 on buildings insurance and £15 on contents policies .
4 By 1990 motor insurance had kept in line with average earnings and risen to £223 .
5 The Society is unique in sharing any such surplus with its policyholders by means of a Special Discount which benefits those motor policyholders whose premiums have substantially contributed to the surplus and therefore helps to ensure that the cost of motor insurance is shared more fairly .
6 an authority to commence preliminary work on IMMOBILISED MOTOR CARS immediately on production of your Certificate of Motor Insurance or Cover Note ,
8 Motor insurance policy premiums should reduce over several years if you accrue ‘ No claims bonuses ’ — in other words if you do not make any claims for damage , etc .
9 Otis had heard about a special policy being offered by The Legal Protection Group , which you can add on to your motor insurance policy .
10 GENERAL Accident is bidding to stem claims losses and bring down premium costs with the launch of customised household and motor insurance policies .
11 Switch from comprehensive to third party motor insurance if your car 's value has fallen far enough .
12 If you want to check that your household and motor insurance is competitive , get in touch with a local independent insurance broker by dialling 0800 1235789 ( 0800 1235987 if in the Yorkshire , Granada , HTV or Scottish TV regions ) .
13 Well-known in a field — motor insurance — in which many if not most competitors are losing money , Direct Line Insurance has seen improved profits in each of the past four years .
14 Best known for motor insurance , a field in which many — probably most — competitors are losing money , Direct Line has seen improved profits in each of the past four years .
15 But it was working as a computer specialist in the insurance industry that gave him the necessary experience , most notably the motor insurance experience , he needed .
16 Although best known for motor insurance , Direct Line writes two other classes of insurance : household and creditor .
17 A typical certificate of motor insurance for a haulier is shown below , For administrative reasons , a simple code ( five letters in our example ) is used to state who may drive the vehicle , the limitations as to use and the exclusions from cover .
18 The names and addresses of these bureaux are listed in Appendix I. A Green Card furnished at frontiers ensures smooth passage establishing as it does the existence of a country 's compulsory motor insurance .
19 With motor insurance zooming in cost , this could give you a valuable saving .
20 Deregulation in Europe — for instance , of motor insurance throughout the European Community and Switzerland — has already stiffened competition in previously cartelised markets .
21 Mancunian Ken Scowcroft pioneered the sale of motor insurance through high street shops .
22 Research among members indicated such a positive response to Homeguardian that the Trust is considering developing a motor insurance scheme , again especially created by Frizzell .
24 Renewal of Motor Insurance
25 All Pleasurecraft Policies will be ‘ valued Policies ’ , or ‘ agreed value Policies ’ i.e. the insured value of the vessel will bind Insurers and in the event of a total loss we would pay the sum insured — not the current market value as in motor insurance .
26 As policies are now printed as required , the policy issued to the policyholder also contains the schedule and where appropriate the certificate of motor insurance .
27 Certificate of Motor Insurance
28 evidence that you have the minimum compulsory motor insurance required by law .
29 The certificate of motor insurance forms part of the policy and shows who can drive your motor cycle and the purposes for which it can be used
30 International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card )
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