Example sentences of "to blame for " in BNC.

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1 If we resent this ( as we should ) , we ought to realize that it is we who are to blame for it .
2 Clarke ‘ to blame for ambulance dispute ’
3 Only we are behaving as if it 's nothing to do with us and that only the West is to blame for the thousands who turn their back on us . ’
4 Mr Lawson is not solely to blame for the uncertainty and muddle .
5 Jackson may well have the spirit of punk to blame for the misunderstanding .
6 Angered by suggestions that his conduct was inexplicable and that he had not offered any constructive criticism during a 3½ hour inquest into Yorkshire 's dismal summer , Boycott claimed that the cricket sub-committee would not accept any form of responsibility : ‘ They have been in charge for five of the last six years but will not agree that they are at least partly to blame for the fact that Yorkshire cricket is in a mess . ’
7 CIVIC Forum , the Czechoslovak opposition movement , reacted in fury last night to the resignation of the Prime Minister , Mr Ladislav Adamec , accusing him of being entirely to blame for a ‘ political crisis ’ , and of citing ‘ untrue facts ’ in earlier threatening to resign .
8 As far as you could understand him , this was to the effect that since the Government was rejecting any suggestion that it was to blame for this scandal , since most of the alleged swindlers were difficult to bring to book , and since the investors who lost the money nearly all live in Tory marginals , then the one innocent party — the taxpayer — would foot the £150 million bill .
9 Both sides are to blame for failing to put this land-for-peace formula into practice .
10 Meanwhile , he enters 1991 without an economic plan or budget ( so everyone is having to improvise with last year 's targets ) , and without a prime minister to blame for mismanagement ( Nikolai Ryzhkov , who for months had been under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined anyway , had a heart attack on December 25th ) .
11 The slump in household saving , from 14% of disposable income in 1980 to just 5% last year , was partly to blame for the rise in inflation that now plagues the government .
12 ‘ Are you really saying that the company is to blame for the strike ? ’ the man with the microphone asked , thrusting it under Clasper 's chin .
13 A company 's management policies might be just as much to blame for a particular ‘ accident ’ as the actions of the driver , pilot , or captain : Sheen J made this point in his report on the Zeebrugge ferry disaster , but English prosecution practice has tended not to invoke the criminal law against managers of transport systems .
14 It is doubtful whether either of these distinctions would bear scrutiny on the broader canvas of moral and social philosophy : the moral thrust of Caldwell is that people are often just as much to blame for failing to think as they are for thinking about their actions and its consequences , and this very argument was applied to rape in the paragraphs above .
15 There are negative images of celibacy of course , and the Christian Churches are as much to blame for propagating these as anyone else .
16 A few days later the previous owners sent her pedigree and a short letter , explaining that their grandchildren were to blame for Sorrel 's temper .
17 The NFU is pressing the government to pay compensation to the men , who say they are not to blame for their predicament .
18 Their uniform ‘ acted like a red rag to a bull ’ on the population ; people had lost all respect for them held them to blame for their plight , and vented their anger o At the beginning of September , the SD agency in Kitzingen felt that the loss of confidence in the Party and the regime 's leadership was rapidly moving towards a dangerous level .
19 By early January 1945 , observers in the Stuttgart area were pointing out that Mein Kampf was being — rather belatedly — cited to prove that Germany had itself to blame for the war , that Hitler 's expansionist aims which he had laid down twenty years earlier were the cause of the war , and that it was therefore clear that ‘ the Führer has worked for war from the very beginning ’ .
20 But when he said that , I felt to blame for the situation I was in .
21 Girls with anorexia or bulimia often feel to blame for their original ‘ weight problem ’ , then to blame for becoming too obsessed with it , and then further to blame for being unable to ‘ pull themselves together ’ .
22 Girls with anorexia or bulimia often feel to blame for their original ‘ weight problem ’ , then to blame for becoming too obsessed with it , and then further to blame for being unable to ‘ pull themselves together ’ .
23 Girls with anorexia or bulimia often feel to blame for their original ‘ weight problem ’ , then to blame for becoming too obsessed with it , and then further to blame for being unable to ‘ pull themselves together ’ .
24 Another girl , Rita , suffering from bulimia , says that ‘ advertising is not to blame for eating disorders , but can certainly contribute if you have a poor self-image already ’ .
25 Politicians are not wholly to blame for failing to know the British .
26 It implies that in some way Wainwright himself was to blame for the outdatedness of some of his copious details .
27 THE Investment Management Regulatory Organisation ( Imro ) has admitted it was partly to blame for allowing the Maxwell pension fraud to happen and that it was ‘ thumped ’ for its supervision of the Maxwell fund managers by the parliamentary select committee on social security .
28 GRANT took Tottenham in 1987 with a 4,141 majority ; he was already notorious for his comments made after the Broadwater Farm riots in 1985 — ‘ the youths around here believe the police were to blame for what happened on Sunday and what they got was a bloody good hiding ’ .
29 Round-Up : Javer is to blame for trying too hard
30 The reference to excuses for crime is likely to be interpreted in some circles as a challenge to the Archbishop of Canterbury , Dr George Carey , who was heavily criticised by Conservatives last year when he implied that urban deprivation was to blame for the Tyneside riots .
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