Example sentences of "account for " in BNC.

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31 Growth is a desperate necessity for China and India , which between them account for a third of the global population , and other developing nations .
32 Today US-registered vessels make up only one-third of the fleet , and account for less than 16 per cent of the total number of dolphin deaths .
33 If that continues during the 1990s , inflation averages 5% , and homes account for half the value of all bequests , Mintel thinks property transfers between generations will rise from perhaps £16 billion in 1990–91 to £25 billion in 1999–2000 .
34 Though this is good news for American and Japanese firms , who share a paltry 11% slice of the luxury market , it is disastrous for European companies which account for the remaining 89% of sales ( see chart on next page ) , but which sell nearly half of all their fancy products in America or Japan .
35 Though French brands still account for nearly half of the luxury market , German , British , Italian and even a few Japanese and American brands are showing up on the shelves .
36 Latinos account for a third of its 9m odd residents .
37 Consider financial services , for example , which already account for nearly a third of GDP .
38 Joint ventures account for only a small part of Hungary 's company start-up boom .
39 Yet the quicker they become local the greater the risk of degrading themselves to the styles and practices of their local rivals , losing the differences that account for their superiority .
40 LTOM has failed to entice private clients , who account for only 20% of its business but are the lifeblood of options markets overseas .
41 Such contracts so far account for around 15% of most institutes ' funds .
42 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
43 Other costs seem equally hard to cut ( staff costs account for less than a third of the total ) .
44 For instance , other EMS currencies account for 72% of the French franc 's trade-weighted basket , and the dollar accounts for 44% of the yen 's .
45 As EMS currencies are pegged to each other and account for a big part of each other 's baskets , the stability of the trade-weighted values of the French franc and the D-mark compared with the dollar and the yen is no surprise .
46 Until now Japan has been the rich world 's youngster : people 65 and over still account for only 11.5% of the population .
47 Recession is eating into the growth in revenues from sales , corporate and personal income tax , which on average account for 70% of state revenues .
48 And England 's private schools , whose pupils account for a quarter of sixth-formers and of A-level passes , know that parents will pay for the prospect of a smooth path to university .
49 But reduced East-West tension has made this even more difficult , clobbering defence sales , which account for roughly half of Deutsche Aerospace 's revenues .
50 Altogether , these groups account for about a quarter of all sales by Japanese firms .
51 Between them , Hong Kong , Taiwan and South Korea now account for 6.2% of world trade .
52 The nature-versus-culture model of analysis was first developed within anthropology to help account for the universal subordination or secondary status of women in all societies at all times .
53 Die Hard II is $20m over budget ; Brucie 's wages alone account for $8m
54 The latest published figures on the origins of TB infection in confirmed herd breakdowns in Great Britain show that south-west England has a much higher incidence of breakdowns and badgers account for a high proportion of them .
55 These , with automatic fire-alarms going off inexplicably , account for a far higher percentage of calls than do fires .
56 That , plus £250m of property writedowns — half in Britain and half in the United States — and another £100m of provisions account for the £450m fall in Heron 's value .
57 In Italy and France , however , these super-irons are commonplace and account for 50 per cent of annual sales .
58 These people account for 25.3 per cent of all spending on clothing and footwear , 21.6 per cent on household goods and 31.3 per cent on leisure .
59 With other foreigners they account for a quarter of trading .
60 The position is less clear in the case of the 3,000 miles of inter-urban routes , which account for 60 per cent of Regional Railways ' track .
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