Example sentences of "commentators see " in BNC.

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1 This , a piece whose mellow , introverted character has led many commentators to see in it the hand of a composer approaching the end of his life , was the work with which Mozart made his last public appearance , in March at a benefit concert for a clarinettist friend .
2 Among the authors were also the Deputy Interior and Defence Ministers , Gen. Gromov and Varennikov , leading some commentators to see in it the veiled threat of a military coup .
3 The fact that precisely this point of law was already due to be considered by the Supreme Court in relation to a separate abortion clinic case ( also arising from an Operation Rescue blockade ) , however , led many commentators to see the intervention by the Justice Department as primarily political in motivation .
4 But many commentators saw only a decline in the desire to rear or look after children , a weakening of the cohesive effects of the family , and an associated diminution of the buoyancy of the stock in terms familiar at least since the Boer War .
5 Even with this fairly technical jurisdiction , some commentators saw the tribunals as providing the nucleus of a system of ‘ labour courts ’ ( Whitesides and Hawker , 1975 ) .
6 Some commentators saw corporatist trends in both Britain and the United States in the 1960s and 1970s .
7 In support of this claim some commentators saw a hardening of official Soviet attitudes on a number of international issues , particularly disarmament negotiations ahead of the Washington summit meeting between Gorbachev and US President Bush due to begin at the end of May [ to be covered in the June News Digest ] .
8 Despite claims that most of the fighting around the town had been carried out by Sihanoukist forces , Western commentators saw the offensive as the work of the Khmers Rouges .
9 At the 10th plenum a new draft political platform was released , which some commentators saw as marking a return to central planning , while others saw it as an essentially reformist tract .
10 Certainly some commentators see the unpopularity of the DUP 's stand on Sunday opening as part of the reason for its fall in votes in recent elections .
11 There is some disagreement about the size of the informal proletariat , which is not surprising given that its informal nature does not lend itself to the gathering of statistic , but most commentators see it representing about 40–60 per cent of the economically active population .
12 Moreover to implement the change there is no sign of introducing the extra resources which most commentators see as necessary .
13 Some commentators see The Stock Exchange 's rejection of the option to relaunch and reposition the second market as a mistake , as it deprives new growth companies of a low cost source of equity capital .
14 Some commentators see the last group mainly in terms of the process of the diffusion of technology , but this would seem to be too narrow a use of the concept since spread or diffusion is an essential , and probably the most important , element in all forms of technological change .
15 Some commentators see such developments as further evidence of the erosion of local democracy .
16 Some commentators see it as a society suffering from a vast nervous breakdown at community level , with the social fabric slowly disintegrating .
17 Some policy commentators see the impact of embryo manipulation as a good thing , akin to the acquisition of language or putting men on the moon .
18 Some commentators see the affective piety of Margery Kempe as radically distinguished from that of the Cloud-author , and indeed in danger of missing the essential spirituality of God .
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