Example sentences of "deeper [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a square slab , looking just like the top of a subterranean pillar , breaking the surface in the deeper wave troughs .
2 These accumulated basinwards of the marginal platform in deeper marine , slope and base of slope environments .
3 There are many signs that although the new tools for analysis are not simple ones , they are offering exciting insights into the problems of matching readers to texts , and helping to produce a deeper response and more effective learning .
4 Inflation is proving more stubborn than the prime minister says — despite a much deeper recession than he ever thought likely
5 In 1972 a new , deeper recession hit and there was a bigger blow for kit cars with the abolition of purchase tax and the introduction of VAT in 1973 .
6 ‘ The semiconductor market also is being helped by the gradual global economic recovery that began in the US in the fourth quarter of 1992 ’ — remark that seems to ignore the fact that continental Europe is plunging into ever deeper recession while the jury is out on whether recession has bottomed in Japan.The North American market should reach $23,600m in shipments in 1993 for a growth rate of 28.1% .
7 A reduction in interest rates , albeit difficult given our currency 's position within the Exchange Rate Mechanism , may well be necessary if we are to avoid an even deeper recession .
8 In the two cases of reobstruction , the pattern mimicked the previous stricture , suggesting that the radial force exerted by the mesh on the wall may have led to deeper embedding of the mesh where the stricture was tight or may have provoked more important hyperplasia , or both .
9 These cognitive categories are , however , themselves derived from a deeper base : social structure .
10 The failure of Soviet nationalities policy , however , was more than a personal failure ; it also reflected the failure , over more than seventy years , to devise an official theory that could adequately account for ethnic and national differences , and perhaps a still deeper weakness in a doctrine that insisted working men ‘ had no country ’ .
11 We at first wanted to know each other , then knowing became friends , and every day as our knowledge increased , greater liking , deeper sympathy , and so on to love and feeling our love , knowing it to be true , pure , and everlasting ; then the desire for the perfect life of unity , and then of giving the world the benefit of our love by a little child .
12 British radio works far closer to the texture of ordinary life than that , engaging as it does a deeper sympathy for a shared world of ordinary experience and a total lack of awe .
13 Pitt , as Prime Minister , was ill-prepared for such a turn of events , and through years of hesitancy and uncertainty he watched a yet deeper impoverishment overtake many thousands of his fellow-countrymen .
14 The ideological claim was that the Soviet Union was , by definition , more advanced since it had a deeper experience of socialism , but that of course is nonsense .
15 This has been greatly expanded to provide a deeper experience for visitors .
16 Once you have chosen the approximate area in which you want to live and the area that fits your first criteria of need , want and mobility you must make a deeper assessment :
17 His mouth moved hungrily , devouring hers , his tongue darting , flickering , suggesting the deeper intimacy to come .
18 United at first only by philosophic error , they quickly establish the deeper unity of joint snorers .
19 There is a great deal of written evidence available on the subject for those who care to take a deeper look .
20 Her book asked Christians to take a deeper look at some of their religious beliefs .
21 This fact , which seems to run counter to our explanation , calls for a deeper look into the meaning of force .
22 A deeper look , however , reveals different approaches in engineering and aerodynamics required to replace the faithful Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasps of 1,200 hp .
23 To replace hierarchal pictures , the Enlightenment used many such images , and they often did tend to suggest some deeper kind of standardisation as the basis of equality .
24 It 's a better and deeper grave than any I 've seen .
25 Waves slap maliciously at the armoured barnacle clusters , attempting to wrench the resident seaweed back to a deeper grave .
26 Physical activity assists body function by improving circulation and muscle tone ; exercise promotes deeper breathing and helps to prevent stasis in the gastro-intestinal tract .
27 On a deeper level , however , as we shall see in later chapters , the identity category ‘ Catholic ’ is , for the majority of policemen and women , not an all-inclusive typification in which every Catholic is categorized alike .
28 In spring , either dig up the shrub and replant at a deeper level , or mound soil round its base so that only the upper half of stems is exposed .
29 Beyond these , at a deeper level , images exist that can trigger emotions in all mankind .
30 On a deeper level , an actor is someone who remembers the primitive primordial impulses that inhabited his body before he was ‘ civilized ’ and ‘ educated ’ .
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