Example sentences of "to teach me " in BNC.

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1 Since then I have always had trouble with films that were supposed to teach me something , or from which I hoped to learn .
2 ‘ But my husband is going to teach me , ’ she said ‘ and I am going to teach him about ballet . ’
3 It was a nonsense they tried to teach me when I first made records , you must always do it faster .
4 One young man I used to teach said to me : ‘ You do n't need to teach me when to applaud and when to shut up .
5 ‘ I 've overheard the Headmaster saying he would like to teach me a thing or two . ’
6 An attempt was made to teach me Welsh , mostly by the reading aloud of stories from The Mabinogion — in English .
7 I said he 'd have to teach me how to do it .
8 Knowing his plan is to develop the character of Christ in my life , I can much more easily say ‘ What are you trying to teach me Lord ? ’ when I am offended , instead of my natural ‘ Why me Lord ? ’
9 ‘ What are you trying to teach me Lord ? ’ recognises the sovereignty of God .
10 ‘ What were you trying to teach me in this Lord ? ’
11 Roger usually introduced us to his girl-friends across the breakfast table , so this one had to be important and in the two weeks before her arrival I asked Rog to teach me a formal French greeting .
12 Another time I was so fascinated by her clicking needles that she offered to teach me to knit as well .
13 Perhaps that was one of the reasons which prompted my father to teach me to read , and so divert me from my inexorable pursuit of my mother .
14 If , at any point , I thought that his solicitude was the sort of tender kindness you might show to someone utterly dependent and helpless — a prisoner or a caged bird — I was ashamed at once and re-doubled my efforts to be a good wife , asking Nonni to teach me how to cook the elaborate dishes Richard liked , and taking care to change my dress before he came home in the evening .
15 ‘ Listen , Private Nobody , do n't try to teach me how to suck eggs , let's get you to your porridge . ’
16 What a fool , he 's trying to teach me how to suck eggs , thought Blackbeard .
17 My mother 's story on the other hand was told to me much earlier , in bits and pieces throughout the fifties , and it was n't delivered to entertain but rather to teach me lessons .
18 I never dreamt that anyone would bother to teach me to read and write particularly at my age !
19 But what lesson was she trying to teach me ?
20 To teach me to perceive the shades of beauty and the shades of meaning … .
21 You just wanted to teach me how to cope with this horrible bastard blue stuff that 's invading my head . ’
22 I realized I could never become well-educated just by attending old Mrs Wopsle 's evening school , so I asked Mr Wopsle 's cousin Biddy to teach me everything she knew .
23 Perhaps the most useful thing she did was to teach me the language , so that in a few days I could speak it quite well .
24 The people who had more experience used to teach me lots of things .
25 His other voice , the voice he uses before something happens to teach me a lesson : ‘ Come along please se , you 're getting overexcited . ’
26 Will you take my new shoes away from me to teach me a lesson ? ’
27 Uncle tried to teach me to ride it but I did n't really become proficient because I was scared of falling off , and the area around Low Birk Hatt was n't much good for cycling .
28 ‘ But who is going to teach me ? ’ she asked .
29 I want you to teach me . "
30 But I have made her promise to teach me to cook a little even though at first she said she would n't think of it . ’
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