Example sentences of "handed over " in BNC.

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1 The thirty-year rundown of the Great Central Railway terminus at Marylebone ( a prelude to seemingly inevitable total closure ) , was dramatically slammed into reverse gear on 30 April when BR admitted blossoming Chiltern Line services could not possibly be handled by Paddington , Euston , or even handed over to London Transport .
2 It was revealed when ‘ Essex Express ’ unit No 309605 was handed over on completion of refurbishment at Wolverton Works under a £17.5million contract in March .
3 Drivers report no guerrilla attacks , even though security north of the Salang Tunnel has been largely handed over to local militia units and the army withdrawn .
4 Mr Porras , considered a chieftain of the Medellin cocaine cartel , was arrested on Thursday in the northern town of Tulcan , about 10 miles from the Colombian border , and was to be handed over to Colombian authorities ‘ as a show of Ecuador 's support ’ for the drug crackdown , an Ecuadorean spokesman said .
5 Having learnt its worst fears were about to be realised , that it would be handed over to Chinese rule in 1997 without external protections or guarantees , it immediately put the best possible face on its situation .
6 Security sources said Major George Serhal was handed over to the former Lebanese president , Suleiman Franjieh .
7 That said : ‘ All Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and all surrendered Yugoslav nationals serving in German forces to be handed over to Yugoslav forces . ’
8 That said : ‘ All Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and all surrendered Yugoslav nationals serving in German forces to be handed over to Yugoslav forces . ’
9 Eritrea 's struggle for its independence from Ethiopia has gone on , first against Haile Selassie and then against the Soviet-backed Mengistu regime , since 1952 , when the UN feebly handed over control of its Trust Territory to Addis Ababa .
10 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
11 Martin Lee , an outspoken campaigner for democracy in Hong Kong before it is handed over , said : ‘ China has declared war on the people of Hong Kong .
12 Justice Desmond Windle ordered at Dublin District Court that Anthony Gerard Sloan , 35 , from Summerville Drive , Belfast , who is serving 20 years for possession of an M-60 machine gun , be handed over to the RUC at the Co Louth border .
13 Soon after arriving at Marshall Malinovsky 's headquarters in Debrezcin on 17 January 1945 , Wallenberg was handed over to the NKVD , the predecessor of the KGB , and disappeared .
14 Untransmitted tapes of the interview with Mr Ryan were handed over by Thames to Scotland Yard under the Prevention of Terrorism ( Temporary Provisions ) Act 1989 .
15 I know schools up the [ place in West Belfast ] who would welcome us , but what happened one time , a school up there won the trophy and the next day some boys [ i.e. from the IRA ] came demanding the shield and threatening what they would do to certain teachers if it was n't handed over .
16 In Roslavl' during March and April it was frequently noted that the public believed that ecclesiastical gold was to be handed over to the Jews .
17 But peasants also complained when what they called ‘ doctors ’ came out to inspect their cattle and sanitary arrangements , or when two peasants who had murdered their wives had to be handed over to a visiting ‘ social court ’ ( obshchestvennyi sud ) set up by a shefstvo team .
18 He drew up an agreement in two copies , setting out the terms in ponderous detail : ‘ … referred to henceforth as ‘ the colony' ’ … which wheels shall be considered as handed over to the Economic Section of the Provincial Workers ' and Peasants ' Inspection after their reception by a special commission and the signing of the corresponding protocol . ’
19 Ratepayer democracy … implied less local government , with fewer services to provide since some of them could be handed over to the private sector , to the supposed benefit of consumers and ratepayers alike .
20 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
21 The phone was handed over to Erika , who confirmed the trip and then gave the phone to her mother , who exchanged a few banalities and then handed it to Omi , who cooed and clucked and finally returned it to Herr Nordern who said , briefly , that they all looked forward very much to seeing Karl again and firmly replaced the receiver before anyone else could claim it .
22 Some 1,200 Italians — most of whom committed atrocities in Yugoslavia — were listed by the United Nations War Crimes Commission , but none was handed over .
23 He continued until 1965 , when the NCLC was handed over to the TUC .
24 Russian workers from Uzbekistan pour concrete and fit window frames but eight months after the earthquake , not one was ready to be handed over for use .
25 Instead of all the new controls being policed by the National Rivers Authority some of the responsibility was being handed over to Her Majesty 's Inpsector of Pollution , with decisions being taken by the Department of Environment .
26 He continued as secretary until 1965 , when the NCLC was handed over to the TUC .
27 That £150 million will be reduced after the liquidators have handed over the money they expect to recover ( at least £60 mil lion ) and possibly more if other claims are pursued by the DTI .
28 He told the Prime Minister : ‘ We have handed over to you a united country .
29 He was handed over to the terribly liberal ( sorry , I think that should be liberally terrible ) dictator by Mr David Steel , hard-line leader of a British political grouping engaged in the notorious Lib-Lab pact , at a time when Ceausescu was still wildly popular .
30 He was handed over to local army units and then driven around in an armoured car for three days to prevent Securitate units discovering his whereabouts .
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