Example sentences of "act for " in BNC.

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1 Stock broking firms that are involved in the issue or act for the authorities have been banned in the run up to flotation from issuing any research .
2 ‘ Then I act for you when you go , is that it ? ’
3 Let me be a free man — free to travel , free to stop , free to work , free to trade where I choose , free to choose my own teachers , free to follow the religion of my fathers , free to think and talk and act for myself — and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty …
4 It will be conceded of course that legislative authorities act for reasons .
5 The dependence thesis does not claim that authorities always act for dependent reasons , but merely that they should do so .
6 Do these comments entail a total rejection of any doctrine of raison d'état , of the view that governments sometimes may , indeed should , act for reasons which are out of bounds to individuals ?
7 Those who act for you must feel confident that you will back them as long as they have genuinely done their best .
8 It is beyond doubt , he argues , and most psychologists and ethologists would agree , ‘ that animals act for the sake of goals , and that they may be conscious of their goals , in the quite literal sense that they may see or smell what they are after ’ ( 1975 : 19 ) .
9 Not only must we limit the scope of animal goals but we must also limit the sense of the claim that animals act for the sake of goals .
11 Check out agencies , such as the London-based Cornerstone ( 071–486 5551 ) , which act for the large financial institutions and handle their repossessions .
12 A great lady or a factory woman are independent persons — personages — the women of the middle classes are nobodies , and if they act for themselves they lose caste ! . ’
13 However I am pursuing that with the Property Services Department , who act for both the Council and the Board , and they have given authority for us to enter the land for the purpose of drilling bore-holes etc .
14 The people to be interviewed are known as freight forwarding agents , who act for individual exporters and importers .
15 The government should express the will of the people — ; act for them and with them .
16 I just say , ’ I act for a living ’ . ’
17 Those who act for both sides will still have to satisfy the selectors that they can conduct actions properly on behalf of patients . )
18 We act for [ Client name ] in connection with a claim for damages for injuries suffered as a result of the above accident .
19 ( 2 ) If you know who they are , write to the conveyancers for the seller or buyer , as the case may be , confirming that you are acting for your client , and if your client is the buyer asking for the draft contract documentation , or if you act for the seller , either sending or promising to send the draft agreement for sale .
20 ( 4 ) If you haven " t already heard , write to the selling agent for full particulars of the sale and parties , etc. ( 5 ) If you act for a seller whose unregistered title deeds are with a bank , building society , etc , write for the deeds , or ( if they are not clients of yours ) for the name and address of the conveyancers to whom they will be sent , and from whom an abstract can be obtained .
21 When writing to a building society , never omit the mortgage reference number , or there may be some delay in receiving a reply , and if you act for your client 's bank , building society , etc , you will of course normally ask them to send the deeds direct to you ; in such a case include in your letter , if there is an existing mortgage to be discharged on completion ( as there will be in the case of a building society and may be in the case of a bank ) , an undertaking to hold the deeds on behalf of the bank or society , to return them on demand , not to part with the same except on completion of the sale , and to discharge the society 's mortgage .
22 If you act for the seller of a building estate , even though it comprises no more than a dozen houses or flats , it will repay you to have printed as many documents as possible ( drafts and engrossments of conveyance or lease , contract , etc ) and to anticipate as far as you can a buyer 's preliminary requirements .
23 When you act for a buyer , always go through the answers you receive to your preliminary enquiries , search and additional enquiries made of the local authority , marking each of these with a tick if it is satisfactory , or with a cross if it is not , or if it requires further elucidation .
24 So if you act for both , search in the name of the mortgagee ; if the mortgagee is separately represented , and you are satisfied that a search has been made , you may think it unnecessary to search too , if you are confident that the mortgagee will lodge the application to register transfer and mortgage promptly .
25 If you act for a mortgagee on such a purchase of unregistered land , you will again need a certified copy of the mortgage document ; so be wise in time and have a spare carbon or print ( if you are using a building society or other printed form ) prepared when engrossing .
26 When you act for buyers who intend that a leasehold interest shall merge in the freehold ( leaseholders buying the freehold reversion on their lease , or freeholders buying the lease to which their title is subject ) it 's convenient to express the intention to merge in the transfer or other instrument vesting the second estate in the owner of the first if this is intended , but beware of such an application in the case of a flat — if , for example , your client owns a leasehold flat and buys the freehold of the whole building in which it is situate .
27 If the conveyancer for the lessor refuses to delete it , or if you act for a purchase of an existing lease that includes such a provision , you should always explain to your client the nature of the provision , its unusual nature and its disadvantages ( putting off a subsequent prospective buyer or mortgagee , delay and expense in taking up references and obtaining the licence ) .
28 If despite your gloomy forebodings your client nevertheless instructs you to proceed , confirm your advice and his instructions by letter , and advise your client 's mortgagees , if you act for them , or if not , advise their solicitors of the provision and do n't agree the draft until you know that the term is acceptable to them , too .
29 Here are some points on this agenda when you act for a seller , mortgagor or lessor .
30 In such a case when you act for a building society-mortgagee , therefore , you will hand over an undertaking to the buyer 's conveyancer , undertaking forthwith to redeem the mortgage and to send the redeemed mortgage or ( as the case may be ) LR form 53 to the other side .
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