Example sentences of "to defend [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To keep them off — to defend ourselves ! ’
2 ‘ The Soviet Union is giving us oxygen — bread and weapons to defend ourselves , ’ said Suleman Laeq , the minister for tribes and nationalities .
3 We have persuaded ourselves that militarily there is not much against which we have to defend ourselves .
4 ‘ We have no other means with which to defend ourselves and our families . ’
5 This is the only weapon we have to defend ourselves . ’
6 Ian Bond , the liquidator , said yesterday : ‘ Without the order , we were concerned that some litigants would have won summary judgment in their favour without us being able to defend ourselves properly .
7 Knives are now a standard part of the criminal 's equipment and it is very difficult for us to defend ourselves without going beyond the law , but there are ways — as you will see later .
8 Obviously his original motive is patriotism and love of Gondor , but when this leads him to exalt ‘ strength to defend ourselves , strength in a just cause ’ , our modern experience of dictators immediately tells us that matters would not stay there .
9 ‘ Thomas Hardy called this island the isle of slingers in his books because of the way we used to defend ourselves with slings and stones .
10 Our success in Europe means that we can reassess what we need to do to defend ourselves ; it does not mean that we can lower our guard .
11 " We know how to defend ourselves , too . "
12 It seemed a good place to defend ourselves against Silver and his men , because we were sure they would kill us when they returned to the ship .
13 cuts in defence expenditure , both of which are irresponsible and both of which would have a devastating effect on our capacity to defend ourselves .
14 ‘ If they attack we must be prepared to defend ourselves . ’
15 Herbert Morrison wrote shortly before the 1933 Labour Party Conference : If the Socialist League point of view were approved by the Party it would drive us to defend ourselves for the greater part of our time against Tory allegations of Bolshevism and dictatorship .
16 Although he managed to beat the count , Wormald was in no position to defend himself and referee Dave Parris stopped the contest with 35 seconds remaining in the opening round .
17 It is , or should be , an hour in which the pupil gradually comes to learn to defend himself or herself in argument , to have confidence in his or her own prose style , to grow up intellectually .
18 Mr Saunders has already been granted legal aid of up to £275,000 to defend himself against fraud charges in the criminal courts , but he may have to pay whole or part of that money back if the trial judge so decides .
19 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
20 Words with which he hoped to defend himself against imagined conspiracies , actual confession , real Guilts , and words that would too explicitly , too protestingly deny too much of the substance of his own present thoughts as he looked at the girl and his own former behaviour with many , many more of her kind .
21 In 1415 , Hus was summoned to defend himself at the Council of Constance , having been assured of a safe conduct by the emperor Sigismund .
22 So intense did the criticism become that Mr Stringer , who has been connected as player , coach and now manager with Norwich for almost 30 years , took the unprecedented step of going on national radio to defend himself and his players .
23 Trying to defend himself from the verbal barrage , Col Mladenovic moved closer to his two bodyguards and said softly : ‘ You people left the Army .
24 In his second defence of the title , against the man he had beaten to win it in June , Wharton 's awesome blows cut Carr above his left eye and then had him down for a count of eight and unable to defend himself when he regained his feet .
25 Not knowing whether to interpret or not , and trying to decide between two impossible alternatives , is a characteristic problem for the ‘ nervous ’ Mr Palomar who , ‘ to defend himself against the general neurasthenia … tries to keep his sensations under control insofar as possible ’ ( 4 ) .
26 Obviously it had been a fight , but since Fairbrother was a newcomer to the school , aggressive and ever ready to defend himself with insults , no particular motive was assigned to either party .
27 As he approached , the Prince prepared to defend himself , but calmed when Allan said : ‘ I am Macdonald of Kingsburgh come to serve your Highness . ’
28 If a horse is forced to defend himself , perhaps being cornered and therefore unable to flee , he will turn around and present his rump and maybe lift or stamp a hindleg , signifying his intention to kick .
29 Everyone has to learn to defend himself .
30 The soldier 's horse had been shot and he was unable to defend himself , one leg having become entangled in the harness .
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