Example sentences of "regards [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She regards me with the same bright smile as her child 's , but tears are rolling down her face and her eyes say , ‘ I 'm losing her . ’
2 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
3 She regards me carefully , her eyes extremely clear and blue .
4 I often think he regards me as a fool .
5 She regards me with suspicion , but when I hold out my hand , she takes it .
6 ‘ Miss Araminta regards me as a servant , ma'am , ’ Theda said , faintly smiling , and reaching a hand out to stroke Hector 's woolly head where he lay on his blanket , as if to find some outlet for the feelings of gentleness running through her .
7 They keep sheep in Magdalen grove now , and I hear the fleecy care bleating all day long : I am shocked to find that none of my pupils , though they are all acquainted with pastoral poetry , regards them as anything but a nuisance : and one of my colleagues has been heard to ask why sheep have their wool cut off .
8 Sometimes the farmer will be almost desperate to be rid of his rabbits since he regards them as a pest which makes undesirable inroads into the profitability of his farm .
9 The interrelation of morality and religion in his thought is such that he regards them as convertible terms in the same way as Truth and ahi sā are convertible terms .
10 Though the federal government still regards them as criminals , some Americans view the guerilla needle exchangers as heroes .
11 Both tend to present an ‘ overly determined view of women ’ in that the former portrays women as ‘ over-socialized ’ and the latter regards them as ‘ doubly-determined ’ by the needs of capitalism and patriarchy .
12 He regards them fondly . )
13 He regards them as a necessary but tiresome ingredient in the successful running of the Empire .
14 He regards them not as belonging to a particular branch , but to the Area ; hence , ‘ transfer ’ has been erased from the Dictionary .
15 Although they are somewhat late in entering the bids scenario , I believe we should not rule them out since having talked to my partner in Italy , he regards them very much as an niche buyer .
16 The British Trust for Ornithology ( BTO ) , which analyses the annual survey data , attributes the 1991 results partly to the unpleasant spring and slow migration , and in many cases regards them as reflecting normal fluctuations in the bird population .
17 These were the harrowing scenes at Heathrow airport as the group of Russian orphans prepared to return home to a country that regards them as mentally retarded … just because they 're without parents.They 'd spent twelve happy weeks in the Malvern Hills , being cared for by local schools.And they were dreading going back to Russia .
18 Michael Johannsen plays in midfield , his brother Morton up front , and manager Benny Johannsen ( no relation ) regards them as the jewels in his crown .
19 Incidentally , I should before now have explained myself as regards my referring to ‘ Miss Kenton ’ .
20 By that time , the situation as regards my father had changed significantly following his fall .
21 As regards my right hon. Friend 's personal position , he is usually right and he is inevitably honourable .
22 Oh did n't you know , I could 've told you that you know then we got to know all the all the things when it was too late but as regards my mother telling us anything brrr no .
23 I mean as regards I agree with the woman when she was saying about she wanted to tell her husband about what happens when he comes home from work , but I think she wo n't need all those bulletins to tell him what 's happening , she can tell him the latest bulletin before he comes in the door , could n't she ?
24 Yet ITV regards its competition so seriously that it refuses even to allow Sky the traditional news access to its exclusive sponsored events or permit the EBU to pass on its pictures from events such as athletics ' European Cup .
25 ‘ BY DAYLIGHT , the bower of Oak 's newfound mistress Bathsheba Everdene presented itself as a hoary building of the Jacobean stage of Classical Renaissance as regards its architecture , and of a proportion which tells at a glance that , as is frequently the case , it has once been the manorial hall on a small estate …
26 In Mr Coleman 's early career , and even until within a very few years , the veterinary art , so far as regards its application to cattle , sheep , swine , dogs , etc. , was in the lowest state of barbarism and degradation .
27 There is a very large total number of television national channels , total hours of TV production and total revenue ; but each national system still regards its own expenditure as inadequate and imports programming from other countries , notably the USA .
28 As regards its notoriety as a ‘ land of damnation and chains ’ , a domain of perpetual punishment and pain — this , too , is grimly rooted in the very real sufferings of generations of convicts , rebels , revolutionaries , common criminals and multitudes of often innocent men , women and children , who for nearly four centuries have dragged themselves along the ‘ road of chains ’ ( kandalnaya doroga ) leading beyond the Urals .
29 There is no criticism as regards its validity in law .
30 Freud himself had a very high opinion of this last essay [ of Totem and Taboo ] both as regards its content and its form .
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