Example sentences of "measuring time " in BNC.

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1 The late Frank Howes showed an understanding of the problems racing a choreographer when he wrote : ‘ Every dance has its own rhythm , just as every dancer has an inborn sense of measuring time because each movement must be felt to flow through the whole body as well as the space in which it moves .
2 If they do they have forgotten that , like them , every member of their audience ‘ has an inborn sense of measuring time ...
3 To provide a means of measuring time at night the Egyptians also invented the water-clock , or ‘ clepsydra ’ as the Greeks later called it .
4 For the proximo-distal axis , our suggestion is that the cells learn their position by measuring how long they remain in the progress zone , a mechanism based on measuring time .
5 We are used to measuring time in decades and centuries and millennia .
6 Toby seemed to be gone a long time , but I was n't measuring time very accurately .
7 The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution , which has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang .
8 ‘ I still try to remember the old way of measuring time . ’
9 Briefly , though , the bases for systems of reckoning and measuring time in most languages seem to be the natural and prominent cycles of day and night , lunar months , seasons and years .
10 Above that , and also circular , was a complicated sphere measuring time and showing earth , moon and sun between the signs of the zodiac .
11 There are many laboratory techniques for measuring time in speech , and measurement of the time intervals between stressed syllables in connected English speech has not shown the expected regularity ; moreover , using the same measuring techniques on different languages , it has not been possible to show a real difference between ‘ stress-timed ’ and ‘ syllable-timed ’ languages .
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