Example sentences of "indicating that " in BNC.

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1 The poll discloses a decline in selling prices for the second successive quarter , indicating that inflation is expected to fall .
2 As it was impossible to hear what he was saying above the din of the bombardment , he pointed to the area outside the farm indicating that Lovat was somewhere there .
3 Left alone in solitary splendour , I could see them crouched behind the car , the flash of a hip-flask indicating that inner man and inner woman were being warmed .
4 85% of the woodland area is dominated by mature trees , indicating that grazing has been heavy enough for a long time to Prevent sapling recruitment .
5 ICI 's results looked worse still after taking into account its restructuring and disposals ; indicating that underlying profits were down almost 30 per cent .
6 Here population levels are highest , with 25.5 people km-2 as compared with 7.6 people km-2 in the General Lands , indicating that population densities and erosion rates are directly related .
7 The value of the structure lies in indicating that parallel progress on all fronts is an important ingredient of successful implementation .
8 Also among Evershed 's finds was a vessel with pottery bits stuck back on using an adhesive containing betulin — a major component of silver birch trees — indicating that birch bark tar was once used as glue .
9 Although size is related to training undertaken , in all parameters there are exceptions to be noted indicating that library departments can have a significant impact on effectiveness of training undertaken , and the use made of resources available to them , if they choose to do so .
10 Bowers , for example , reviews research indicating that speed falls from 55 to 45 km/h in such zones , with the associated implication that speeds for the fastest 15 per cent of drivers would be above 50 to 55 km/h .
11 The resultant housing development at The Brow was acclaimed as a breakthrough , indicating that safe and attractive layouts could result where collaboration between architect , highway engineer and landscape architect was achieved .
12 If we were to seek an explanation in the fact that Gandhi , as we have seen , does not equate ahi sā with non-killing and notes the distinction between ahi sā and hi sā by indicating that hi sā means killing from motives of anger or selfishness and ahi sā means refraining from so doing , then it might be possible to be a believer in ahi sā and yet kill , provided the killing is not prompted by angry or selfish motives and is performed with detachment as one 's duty .
13 These conflicting experimental results may in fact be indicating that different batches or strains of the same species of plant , too , may exhibit different reaction patterns to the same homoeopathic remedy , and serve to underline the difficulty of using animal or plant models in a situation where , even with a cooperative patient giving a good history , remedy selection can be extremely difficult .
14 She is indicating that tiffin has been ready for some time and that if he does n't fancy it , the dog does .
15 To the north-west of Nuneaton , multidisciplinary resurveys coupled with detailed work in quarries around Hartshill and Stockingford have shown that the so-called Boundary Fault that separates the Precambrian and Lower Cambrian successions from the overlying Triassic rocks is in reality an unconformity , thus indicating that hard-rock resources in the area are significantly greater than hitherto supposed .
16 To the north-west of Nuneaton , similar multidisciplinary resurveys coupled with detailed work in the active and disused quarries of the Hartshill-Stockingford area have shown that the so-called Boundary Fault separating the Precambrian and Lower Cambrian successions from the Triassic rocks is an unconformity , thus indicating that hard-rock resources are significantly greater than hitherto supposed .
17 While simple imitation fails to explain the occurrence of such novel utterances , a number of researchers have presented evidence indicating that imitation may nevertheless play a significant role in the child 's mastery of vocabulary , syntax and pragmatic functions ( Bloom et al .
18 This has been a wine producing area for years and there are many ‘ heurigen ’ ( wine houses ) , with their ornately carved wooden gates leading through to shady courtyards and ‘ Flaschenwein ’ signs indicating that local wine is available .
19 It should also carry a service tag indicating that is has been serviced prior to your hire .
20 This can also be shown to be true in BSL , indicating that surface features of languages may be used in different ways to express conceptual material but that these differences should not be seen as deficits .
21 The presence of a significant interaction ( p=0.007 ) between Maori and non-Maori children was found for bed sharing , indicating that bed sharing was a risk only in the Maori population .
22 Huszti said that while the APEH did require an ‘ open system ’ , but he claimed that this did not necessitate a Unix system , indicating that conformance to the X/Open Co Ltd XPG/3 branding standard might not be obligatory — even though the Hungarian government decreed that X/Open branding should be used in all government tenders back in August last year .
23 There is general agreement that PKC inhibitors will block LTP if they are applied after the tetanus , indicating that kinase activity outlasts the initial induction signal .
24 The weight of evidence suggests little interaction indicating that aniracetam and LTP do not regulate AMPA receptor function in the same manner .
25 Although the spectral index at phase 0.7 , close to the maximum , is about -2.0 between 606MHz and 1,660MHz and typical of most pulsars , at 408MHz the flux density is actually less than that at 606MHz and is lower than the extrapolated spectrum by a factor of about 4 ( Table 1 ) , indicating that strong absorption or scattering is occurring even when the companion is on the far side of the pulsar .
26 Lavas appear to give greater scatter than sediments ( M. Prévot & P. Camps , manuscript in preparation ) , possibly indicating that sedimentary magnetization is smoothed .
27 There was no significant difference in the cAMP-stimulated chloride secretion between untreated and pREP8-transfected normal mice , indicating that transfection itself has no effect on ion transport .
28 This is consistent with previous data indicating that different antagonists bind to overlapping but non-identical sites .
29 A high proportion of affected subjects are therefore compound heterozygotes rather than homozygotes , although particular mutations may occur with a frequency of over 60% in certain populations and there may be close association with particular haplotypes , indicating that founder effect has had an important influence on the distribution of mutations across nations .
30 Of 26 clinic subjects aged 8 to 30 years studied in London , none had unequivocally normal appearances on magnetic resonance imaging , indicating that white matter changes are very much commoner than overt neurological disease .
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