Example sentences of "let [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Too often we have let ourselves be locked into a ‘ graven image ’ of ourselves , perhaps by parents and teachers .
2 Wondering what we had let ourselves in for we anchored as near as possible to Ullapool and contacted the local staff which at that time consisted of local patrol officers backed up by two visiting officers from Dingwall .
3 What have we let ourselves in for !
4 Only once had he let himself begrudge it , only once , that night , and never since , for he knew it was his duty and his right to stay at home with her .
5 The same report , reversing the earlier legend excusing the Führer because he was being kept in the dark by his underlings in the Party , added : ‘ Even the Führer has lost much sympathy among the people because he has apparently let himself be taken in by his Party people and does not seem to notice what things are like in the State today . ’
6 He also expressed irritation about the way Tony seemed to have let himself go in the last few months , since he had become unemployed .
7 As Desmond Haynes and Philip Simmons added 99 at better than a run a minute with a volley of boundaries , he must have wondered what he had let himself in for .
8 Apparently his ‘ lover ’ , the erstwhile Angel of Charles , Miss Farrah Fawcett , has confided in a ‘ pal ’ : ‘ I 'm ashamed of the way he 's let himself go .
9 In all his plans , he had never let himself contemplate an outcome as vicious as that .
10 He had let himself fall in with her will , and had not seen that she had no will , but was calling , alone , for a friend .
11 The social worker who took on the referral found him somewhat embarrassed by his present circumstances , and the degree to which he had let himself go .
12 He has let himself down badly .
13 But having let himself sink as far as he could go , he began to rise and with such gathering force and fury that he not only routed all who had disbelieved in him , he left even the believers agape .
14 He knew what he had let himself in for and he was glad .
15 Hutton took a drop in salary to join Durham , and he wondered what he had let himself in for when , after a battering from Franklyn Stephenson , he had to leave the field to be sick .
16 Peach alone was in the house , having let himself in through the cat flap Stephen had fixed into the lower panel of the back door .
17 Why should I wish the lad any worse harm than he 's let himself in for already ? ’
18 The refectory had been built when there was money around for building and the architect had let himself go with walls of glass and a high curving ceiling panelled in pastel colours .
19 Ashamed of wanting her , ashamed of having let himself start their affair , Luke was no happier with it than she was .
20 He was at his best when reacting promptly and powerfully to every threat , how had he let himself be hemmed in thus by forms and processes and the operations of incompetent deputies ?
21 He was a hard , cold , cynical man who had let himself be hurt by a woman .
22 Thistle 's early season promise has evaporated , and debutant Julian Broddle must be wondering what he 's let himself in for .
23 Friends of the Earth 's Tropical Forest spokesman described the report as " the story of an ecological catastrophe in the making " , and added that " the government should have the courage to publish the report — after all , the British people paid for it … the government has let itself be led by the nose by the timber trade into suppressing the report for the narrow commercial advantage of those involved . "
24 Somehow , she had let herself get mixed up .
25 They should not think her a woman who had let herself go .
26 She 's a young girl who really has her feet planted on the ground and I do n't believe she has let herself be carried away by her success .
27 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
28 She wondered if she would have let herself get involved had she known in advance that it entailed so much messing with entrails .
29 She always would have liked to have let herself be happy .
30 The woman who had just walked into the sitting room had most decidedly not put on weight ; nor had she let herself go … anywhere .
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