Example sentences of "accepting that " in BNC.

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1 While accepting that wage cuts were theoretically advisable , Keynes at first argued that they should only be attempted as a last resort , after all other remedies had failed .
2 They would need a lot of convincing before accepting that tourism is a better bet .
3 There , until very recently , the packages and drums of waste were simply left in shallow open trenches , the authorities accepting that rain-water would eventually wash some of its radioactivity into a nearby river .
4 The argument establishes that by accepting that authority one follows reasons which apply to one anyway .
5 To vindicate Rawls ' position one requires convincing reasons first for excluding moral and religious beliefs from the information available behind the veil of ignorance , and second for accepting that neutral or maximally neutral principles will be chosen in these circumstances .
6 Accepting that milk remains as vital part of the diet makes the whole process of weaning more relaxed for both mother and baby .
7 It was also acknowledged that it would be necessary to determine which information objects should be indexed , accepting that certain brochures , circulars and so on would probably be excluded from this general requirement .
8 A final plaintive note records how , influenced by the advice of friends , this postlude does not include adverse commentary on the recent moves in the Department of Education to centralise the school curriculum ( ’ on the grounds that I read too much into what were chance decisions ’ ) and regretting accepting that advice .
9 It was the time when he had to choose between , on the one hand , learning to limit the purely sensual pleasures offered him by his physical evolution , and on the other hand , accepting that failure to do so would either destroy or delay the enjoyment of the much broader and deeper pleasures which were becoming available to him by virtue of the developing emotions within him .
10 they may not feel open to accepting that person into the family , very aware of having to make a conscious effort to put aside prejudices and stereotypes in order to get to know , like and accept him or her .
11 The main value of Hinduism is its belief that all life is one , and it is not possible to hold fast to this belief without accepting that man is the servant and not the lord of creation , and that all men are brothers .
12 In this case , instead of accepting that comprehensible input is indeed validly conceived as ‘ The ‘ Fundamental Pedagogical Principle ’ ’ and then looking at how it might be achieved by interaction , one might more profitably ask whether these strategies of interaction on the part of the learner do not suggest that the notion of comprehensible input is inadequate for explaining how language is learned , and therefore is not so very fundamental after all .
13 Accepting that evangelism is no optional extra , the church must seek to identify , train and deploy those with the evangelistic gift .
14 Whilst accepting that ‘ inclination ’ was absent I could not agree that blacks lacked the intellect to do well at school and my work was , in a way , intended to lay bare as false such assumptions .
15 While accepting that Roman Catholicism contained many errors and abuses , they denied that the pope was the Antichrist and that it was impossible for Catholics to attain salvation .
16 In January 1966 the Six agreed in Luxembourg to the retention , in practice if not in theory , of unanimity in the Council of Ministers , as well as informally accepting that Commission activism should be limited .
17 For in accepting that age and , more importantly , insanity could influence the degree of individuals ' responsibility for their actions it was also accepting that in some cases , and to some extent at least , human actions could be seen as determined .
18 And no transgression , either , is involved in accepting that moral views and ideals must take account of , and be responsive to , facts .
19 To follow Cole that far would come perilously near to accepting that Co-operation was , as nearly as makes no difference , the Consumers ' Movement ; and that its future lay in further growth beyond that already achieved by 1939 until , so long as progress continued , it could within its chosen field have virtually displaced all competing provision and all competing manufacture for the purpose of provision .
20 Faced by such diverse interpretations of the new adversary , the Reagan Presidency in 1985 , rather than return to Kissinger 's ideal of ‘ linkage ’ in a period of détente , decided to pursue a policy of ‘ constructive confrontation ’ with Moscow , accepting that certain agreements with Russia were possible even if she remained a rival on the world stage .
21 At the same time , while accepting that tension between richer and poorer peasants was growing and that Stolypin 's reform created fierce friction between those who separated from the commune and those who remained within it , revisionists have stressed that it did not shake their common determination that noble land should be transferred into their hands .
22 I for my part have some difficulty in accepting that .
23 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in a accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is inhibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
24 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in an accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is prohibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
25 I have difficulty in accepting that submission without some qualification .
26 Even accepting that executive directors are now required to give their full-time attention to company affairs , the law appears to have little role to play in ensuring that the board engage in proper long-term planning or respond vigorously to changes in the business environment .
27 Many people are uncertain about accepting that disabled artists might also be accountable to a disabled constituency .
28 Moreover , ‘ if a person has been assessed by a general practitioner or a nurse for health reasons and they have identified social needs at the same time then we are committed to accepting that assessment , ’ said Stephenson .
29 While believing that few teachers were intentionally racist , and while not accepting that racism was the sole cause of West Indian underachievement , the committee concluded that unintentional racism ( in the sense of stereotyped , negative or patronising views of West Indian children ) was widespread and did influence children 's performance .
30 She was so vulnerable to him that part of her was already accepting that defeat was inevitable , that only Luke could be the one to end their affair , but at the same time pride was demanding resistance , refusing to submit to the humiliation of a physical surrender to the man who had called her a liar , accused her of infidelity — the man who had hurt her so badly .
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