Example sentences of "to perform [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first piece of advice that 's necessary is that you should n't just try to be fashionable by choosing juicy speeches that catch your eye without knowing the whole play and having a working idea of how to perform the speech .
2 It is not enough merely to consider how to perform the five jumps as a technical exercise .
3 Success will depend very largely on the dancer 's own sense of timing and ability so to perform the gestures created that they convey meaning which makes sense within the context of the ballet .
4 It is possible that an IC will eventually emerge to perform the function but , until then , the following description should allow people to develop their own system .
5 Largely due to her courage and drive she enabled them to grow in stature so that the choirs were able to perform the major choral works drawing an audience of over 1,000 at a performance of the Dream of Gerontius and be broadcast with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra on three occasions .
6 Yet others rebel against this marginalization and demand both the right to perform the full range of police work ( from which follows the wish to carry guns ) and that men should become more involved in dealing with child and female offences .
7 Don McComish travels 1,000 miles from his home in Adelaide to perform the standard-bearing duty each year .
8 Two other members of the platoon have drawn the short straw , and are now dressed in their best uniforms to perform the once-monthly guard duties at the Allied Kommandatura building .
9 Before his death the Prince knighted John Higgs , and went specially to St Thomas 's Hospital to perform the investiture at his bedside .
10 Contracts for the loan of money and supply of goods to infants and ‘ accounts stated ’ with infants were made altogether void , while the possibility of ratification was taken away from all those contracts which required ratification to make them binding upon him after attaining full age ; and even a new promise to perform the contract , whether made upon a fresh consideration or not , could not be enforced by action .
11 For all of these reasons , and unlike the earlier biblical period , only men were allowed to perform the operation ( see Kidd .
12 Puppies that could formerly avoid electric shocks , were unable to perform the avoidance responses after several months of isolation-rearing .
13 When by 1292 John of York had become too old and infirm to perform the duties of his Forest office , Edward I granted him a pension of ‘ three pence daily out of the issues of the forest , at the hands of the Justice of the Forest north of Trent , and six cartloads of firewood in the said forest by view and delivery of the foresters there ’ .
14 Daniel son of Nicholas of Newcastle , husband of one of the co-heiresses , was appointed by them to perform the duties of Forest warden until he was succeeded in 1226 by Thomas of Stratton , husband of another co-heiress .
15 The archdeacon in the king 's presence appointed his brother Richard to perform the duties of his Forest office in his place , and agreed to be responsible for him .
16 He was bound to provide at his own cost one riding forester and two walking foresters to keep his bailiwick , and to perform the military service of ‘ going in the army at the King 's cost wherever the King goes ’ .
17 By the thirteenth century these officers were elected in the county court from among the knights who resided in the neighbourhood of the forest and held land within it ; they took an oath in the county court or in the attachment court faithfully to perform the duties of their office .
18 It is still an excellent vehicle , capable of offering reliable motoring , even when asked to perform the unreasonable tasks required on a farm .
19 If one ought to act because of an authoritative directive one 's reasons are different than if one ought to perform the same act for other reasons .
20 Small computers are now routinely used to perform the tasks for which photographers are employed , whilst the advent of still video is making increasing inroads into the working lives of photojournalists .
21 And no matter how many cells , of no matter how many specialized types , cooperate to perform the unimaginably complicated task of running an adult elephant , the efforts of all those cells converge on the final goal of producing single cells again — sperms or eggs .
22 In the home she may ask the carer to perform the tasks of the assistant therapist .
23 A young , green horse will be weak but if worked correctly will gradually build up the necessary muscle to enable him to perform the required movements .
24 To perform the aids correctly the rider must have a firm steady seat and be able to use each leg and hand independently of the other .
25 All that Ormrod J. is in fact saying is that there has to be a woman in a marriage , because someone has to perform the essential role of a woman in the marriage , and this essential role is to be a woman , biologically so determined .
26 The logic of Ormrod J. 's decision must cause us to say that the male in these examples is no longer able to perform the essential role of a male — that is , assert his biological maleness — and is not , therefore , a male for the purposes of marriage , and that therefore there is no marriage .
27 It is ridiculous to suggest that a magazine article , book or even the most expert of instructors can teach you exactly how to perform the complex set of movements involved in , say , gybing .
28 The existing knowledge about the employee from inside the organization makes it easier to decide whether he or she is able to perform the work well .
29 A popular means of saving costs is to reduce the work-force and hire outside contractors to perform the same duties .
30 This will be the case if , for example , you are asked to perform the same job at the same rate of pay but at a different office or factory and the move is catered for by a mobility clause in your contract .
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