Example sentences of "feeding time " in BNC.

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1 Next it is feeding time .
2 Or is it more like feeding time in a wartime army canteen ?
3 Just up the hill from us is a small pig-raising factory which has just been built and , as the sun sets behind the hills of our old enemy Tuscany , across the valley , we can hear the squeals of feeding time and , we fear , of transport and slaughter time .
4 Almost every member of staff , including people who normally spend all day in the office , was involved in cutting raw squid and fish into slivers for the babies and at feeding time , every 4 hours day and night , each little bill had to be opened and the food introduced down the throat in the way the mother bird would have fed the chick .
5 As with so many poisonous animals , the tarantula prefers to keep its venom for feeding time and only employs it against enemies as a last resort .
6 It was over a titbit on the floor and occurred after a period when they growled at each other at feeding time .
7 The Bumble Bees can be seen at feeding time , dashing from their hidey-hole , grabbing a tasty morsel and then shooting back .
8 Until recently , the Loaches usually appeared at morning feeding time and then disappeared into a large bogwood cave , which has several exits and entrances , reappearing after lights out and sometimes during the evening .
9 However , unless the pond is clear , the darker colour of the Orfe will not be seen , with their presence being shown by occasional splashes on the surface at feeding time .
10 They nip one another and jawlock , especially at feeding time .
11 The scenes in solitary are especially well depicted , as the prisoners react to a shrill whistle when it is feeding time , but Schaffner 's tone , like McQueen 's personality , lacks the austerity needed for such a subject .
12 It is important to use individual bowls which your dog relates to so that you can establish a routine at feeding time .
13 Come and see the 100 species of monkey who live in the park 's 17 acres and do n't miss the colourful flamingoes , the chimpanzees ' tea party , the playful penguins or feeding time for the sea-lines .
14 After a few minutes , his breathing quickened and he started making noises that might have come from a monkey-house at feeding time .
15 You may have noticed this when the fish were quite small , as one always dominates the clump of food at feeding time .
16 The best assurance of continued good health in your Koi is to learn how to be a fish-watcher : not just a casual glance at feeding time , but detailed observation of their behaviour .
17 Feeding time for two very special new arrivals at the Newent Birds of prey centre .
18 She 's partial to a bone , or a even a bacon sandwich , and at feeding time she competes with the families puppies for food .
19 She 's partial to a bone , or a even a bacon sandwich , and at feeding time she competes with the families puppies for food .
20 Meanwhile there are 40 more lambs each day to keep Rupert busy and he 's always grateful for help at feeding time .
21 In fact , many of them are even happy to change the nappies and help out at feeding time .
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