Example sentences of "'em in " in BNC.

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1 That 'll please the BEF … be able to handle 'em in practice even if they never fire 'em in anger . ’
2 That 'll please the BEF … be able to handle 'em in practice even if they never fire 'em in anger . ’
3 ‘ Because they want everybody to have a Big Daddy with his leather belt keeping 'em in order — less for them to do , ’ he said .
4 ‘ Got 'em in a sale at …
5 Fed 'em in the winter , let 'em forage in the summer , neighbours complained but they flourished .
6 ‘ You wo n't find 'em in the sausages , missus . ’
7 An' here we shove 'em in cages an' chuck crisps at 'em . ’
8 ‘ Shove 'em in t'manger , ’ Jonadab directed , ‘ and then get off for thi dinner . ’
9 ‘ What is advantageous about cheaper guitars is that they tend to have one sound , and when you plug 'em in you either like the sound or you do n't .
10 T : I like that line , ‘ Social workers love me 'cos I keep 'em in work ’ !
11 There 's not space for more 'an two of 'em in that there chest . ’
12 Kept 'em in sand .
13 ‘ I 'll send somebody to fetch 'em in the mornin' .
14 ‘ Chop 'em off and throw 'em in the dustbin , you understand ? ’
15 First clear the six flat rocks from your plot and drop 'em in the tip .
16 Just look 'em in the eye and knock 'em dead . ’
17 She bought 'em in the autumn After spotting 'em in Nottingham .
18 She bought 'em in the autumn After spotting 'em in Nottingham .
19 She took 'em home to Cookham And she put 'em in a drawer .
20 When she wore 'em into Rugely They impressed the people hugely , While in Fordham folk adores 'em And they loved 'em in West Looe !
21 But , spilling 'em in Gillingham Her lobes felt light in Willingham , And nothing else is filling 'em , So now The poem 's Done !
22 ‘ If we do n't pack 'em in this weather , we never will pack 'em in , that 's what I always say . ’
23 I know , I went , I got some whelks once and that was in Bay , they were lovely whelks and I put 'em in a bucket and er did n't think and now I used to put some flour in with 'em .
24 Into these , just a crate , and they used to get the old pigs and they used to shove 'em in there , shove the trap down , and they used to load them on the ships , they went back to Poland .
25 ‘ Might put 'em in the oven , freshen 'em up a bit . ’
26 Pinched some of my old Dad 's plum brandy and soaked raisins in it and left 'em in the clearing .
27 used 'em in ‘ Nam .
28 Now they could do you a boatload right off the shelf , nothing down and nothing to pay if you shoot 'em in the right direction . ’
29 The first series , which began in February 1973 — with title music whose beat spelled out Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em in Morse Code — was an immediate success , entering the Top 20 TV ratings chart within three weeks .
30 ‘ By the way , try and keep 'em in order , miss , ’ he added , over his shoulder .
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