Example sentences of "presents [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Salim presents himself in a light which requires the reader to be told that , although he himself has been making good , he is grieved , or affects to be , by the discovery that the slavish Metty has been getting on : ‘ You 've been very much getting on as though you 're your own man . ’
2 Hartman presents himself in a complicated relationship with Derrida : engaging with him , succumbing to him , imitating him , and trying to resist him .
3 MIKHAIL Gorbachev presents himself as the saviour of socialism .
4 Wishing for ‘ much the same unity on a higher plane ’ , he presents himself as a kind of agriculturalist , concerned with ‘ our relation to the spiritual soil ’ .
5 Not every person who presents himself as the duty solicitor is competent to handle criminal matters .
6 Being " directly answerable to the electorate " really means no more than that if your MP presents himself for reelection you can vote either for him or against .
7 The Profitboss presents himself , his products , his company , his people in the best possible light .
8 For first he presents himself as a nice , serious , liberated person .
9 No company would permit an unqualified accountant to audit its books , no matter how well he presents himself , and no patient would allow a doctor without qualifications to operate on him just because he has plenty of ‘ implied ’ ability .
10 In them he presents himself as a ‘ pickle ’ , that is as a self-confessed reprobate , who made good .
11 He presents himself as an individualist , who only later and almost reluctantly becomes aware of the wider aspects of the war as a battle for civilization and humanity .
12 He presents himself neatly combed to the world .
13 Twice , in the Miller 's Tale , we hear a cock crow , as Absolon presents himself at the " " shot-wyndowe " " of Alison 's bedroom ( 3357 , 3687 ) .
14 Use a long , thrusting snap punch to the opponent 's face and if the chance presents itself , follow up quickly with a reverse punch .
15 But to begin with this assumption is to by-pass , rather than explain , the mystery of perception as it presents itself to us if we assume that perception occurs because the perceived object impinges directly or indirectly upon the nervous system .
16 Sometimes psychoanalysis claims to be a genuinely scientific activity , in contrast to , say , Jungian mystagogy ; at other times , when confronting the proponents of a hard scientific approach to psychology , like behaviourism , psychoanalysis presents itself much more in terms of myth and metaphor and explanatory fictions .
17 It inevitably presents itself in formalistic terms , and sometimes in overtly aesthetic ones .
18 Now , though so politically convenient a view is no longer tenable , no easy alternative presents itself .
19 ‘ Not so , ’ replies the university ; ‘ give if you will ; withhold if you must but understand if you can what nature of community we are and do not deprive us of our freedom , the freedom to pursue , and to teach others to pursue , knowledge for its own sake in whatever guise it presents itself to us ; for that is of our very essence. ,
20 What 's the betting this McCoy 's running a big racket , paying Charlie Hatton to leave his lorry unattended and paying him to keep other lorry drivers occupied whenever the chance presents itself ?
21 ‘ What infinite variety presents itself in this enchanting spot , ’ wrote Abbot in his diary on first seeing it .
22 So I said , ‘ Maria , I am experimenting and when I say ‘ experiment ’ I mean I want to see how it presents itself .
23 The Renault Safrane presents itself as an executive express , so this was an appropriate exercise , involving poorly-surfaced roads in Czechoslovakia , the smooth by-ways of Austria and Switzerland , and Germany 's limit-free autobahns .
24 Even in the matter of state spending on the arts the same difficulty presents itself .
25 Flattened Fauna , which has just hit the streets , presents itself as a Field Guide to Common Animals of Roads , Streets and Highways .
26 In response to the multiplicity of factors affecting their lives , the peasantry have shown that they can act positively , making the most of opportunity when it presents itself .
27 It is easy but improper to assert , when no other convenient explanation presents itself , that the intentions of the testator are being given full rein .
28 ( ix ) For a final case of Paul , in which a discussion of secret trusts ends with the word legatum , no obvious explanation presents itself .
29 It presents itself to the citizen in many different guises : the payment of VAT on a chocolate bar , a rule against parking on a yellow line , a maternity allowance .
30 If you combine these three facts with another , namely that Dennis 's fortieth birthday had fallen on the previous Thursday , an alternative explanation presents itself .
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