Example sentences of "achieving that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If that is their purpose and they are achieving that purpose , why is the Government privatising them ? ’ he asked .
2 ‘ The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money , ’ Mr Prescott said .
3 Achieving that aim will in itself amount to a manifest setback for Mr Hussein .
4 What the public wanted was a good rail service and not surprisingly successive generations of British Rail managers put their major effort into achieving that .
5 His film is dedicated to achieving that generous-spirited end .
6 We believe that franchising provides the best way of achieving that .
7 Boring work , but if you want one for the glass case , this is the best way to go about achieving that aim .
8 those employed in senior management may by the nature of their jobs be fully aware of what is required of them and fully capable of judging for themselves whether they are achieving that requirement .
9 I 'm not saying that I wo n't win World and Olympic titles , just that , at this time , I can not conceive of myself achieving that time .
10 ‘ There are an increasing number of executives looking to break out of the corporate hierarchy and run their own business and it appears that MBIs are catching up with MBOs as a method of achieving that goal . ’
11 There must be a million different answers and as many ways of going about achieving that sound when you 've defined it .
12 In any event , our main aim is to stimulate the imagination , and if there 's a more delightful way of achieving that goal , I 'm open to suggestions .
13 Logically , this would be the simplest way to harmonise European charges and improve the chances of achieving that elusive ‘ level playing field ’ for UK air taxi operators after 1 January 1993 .
14 But with Gazza at one end of the scales , even a pound of turnips at the other end will come close to achieving that .
15 Achieving that goal means more than just exposing and preventing abuses ; adequate protection of human rights depends of people knowing what their rights are .
16 Both assume that existing social constructions of normality define the goal to which people with learning difficulties must aspire ; both define and understand the ‘ problems of mentally handicapped ’ people in such a way as to indicate clearly the impossibility of ever achieving that goal ( the best hope being to build up patterns of skills which approximate to ‘ normal ’ behaviour ) ; and both create a professional/client relationship which enshrines the professional in a world of exclusive and privileged knowledge , and consequently entombs the individual with learning difficulties in a fundamentally dependent role .
17 Playing a crucial role in achieving that goal will be the firm 's new policy of making sales to end users entirely via a network of third party distributors , which Rabbit promises to support with unfailing commitment .
18 He himself is much better recorded in the studio performance but the new one has a certain documentary value , for it shows him 14 years later still singing the part magnificently , still ( for example ) achieving that remarkable effect at the climax of ‘ Or son sei mesi ’ when , by his phrasingover , the shame ( ‘ vergogna ’ ) becomes the agony ( ‘ ahime ’ ) , and now ( at a time when it must be tempting to broaden baritonally ) deliberately sharpening the edge and brightness of his tenor .
19 The secret of successful research is to identify clearly the " profit " goal you are trying to achieve and then research all the options for achieving that goal as well as all the factors affecting its achievement .
20 I believe everybody in Mark Hall is capable of achieving that target .
21 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
22 Do you see ah , th the pe , the boys and girls or the , the young people that you 're working with erm , having the same veering towards the same kind of thing , I mean , do you see pressures on on girls , towards achieving that perfect body in the way that you felt it yourself at one time .
23 And Branson knew that Virgin stood a better chance of achieving that than either EMI or A&M had done .
24 In achieving that assistance , the two parts of the record industry can also contribute .
25 The potential improvement in performance and ways of achieving that improvement after a two-pass load are discussed below .
26 He would never be able to do what Dadda could , those exquisite inlays , that delicate carving , achieving that mirror polish , and all with hands like a gorilla 's paws .
27 And I 'm sure you 've seen where the chief constable says he wants more bobbies on the beat , well perhaps this is a way to a to achieving that .
28 The team effort involved in achieving that goal has been mammoth , with sales , service , administration and management all now pulling together to ensure that our customers ' needs have been met , in spite of the tremendous upheaval involved .
29 And delivered as an integral part of the application are two utilities to give us as much flexibility in achieving that goal as possible .
30 The whole House will want to congratulate the British miners on doing everything that has been asked of them over a number of years and achieving that massive increase in productivity .
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