Example sentences of "existed [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within the broad cooperative movement existed the Women 's Cooperative Guild , an organisation that was to exert an influence over the political alignment of working-class women in the interwar period quite disproportionate to its numerical size .
2 In whatever form they existed the documents continued to be known , for they were mentioned to Anselm by Osbern in 1093 , and examined in the royal court in 1109 in the presence of at least one bishop who had been present also in 1072 .
3 Outside and below the four official castes there existed the outcasts or untouchables ( eta or hinin ) , a sizeable group , who , while racially Japanese , had long since been strictly segregated from the remainder of society .
4 An unknown writer observing at the restoration work of 1887 says of the nave , the walls were found to be covered with old surface paintings , and Fielding in his Memories of Malling , writes , " In Halling Church until a few years ago existed the uncouth painting over the chancel arch , variously described as the tale of the unfaithful wife and the emblematic representation of the seven deadly sins .
5 In a post-war climate where nationalisation was the key component in the economic sphere , and reorganisation and rationalisation of what already existed the most characteristic feature of social policy , ‘ planning ’ failed to dislodge the established administrative systems or to overcome the temptation to make do with ad hoc measures .
6 Many were also planning to change their contracts : 62 per cent were planning to cease a contract that existed the previous year ; 71 per cent to contract with a new provider ; 50 per cent to reduce volume more than 10 per cent with an existing provider and 78 per cent to contract for a greater volume of care per pound spent .
7 Certainly , if convertability did not exist , few would accept the notes of banks if there existed the chance that they might be worthless in future years .
8 But whereas in the early 1920s , cheapie production had constituted almost the entirety of British filmmaking , in the 1930s there existed a more ambitious production sector running in parallel .
9 There existed a second manor of the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul 's Cathedral , close to Chesewic , and that manor lay between the river and Turnham Green and was called Sutton which it is thought probably derived its name from South Town .
10 South of Barrowgate Road there existed a few houses fronting Sutton Court Road ; some Almshouses on the southern side of Sutton Lane , with the fish pond behind them ; Sutton Court itself at the bottom end of Sutton Court Road , where Sutton Lane turned south — that part of Sutton Lane later became Fauconberg Road — with the Lawn Tennis Grounds on the southern side and Chiswick Park Farm occupying the whole area of land to the east of Sutton Court Road , and the continuing Sutton Lane — which later formed the southern part of Sutton Court Road — curving round to meet the bottom end of Burlington Lane , on the southern boundary of Chiswick House Gardens .
11 Suppose there existed a God who wished us to be unsure whether or not He existed .
12 There was a puzzle about how this bleak , broad-browed carved head had come into existence , since there also existed a photograph of the poet in his last sleep , still patriarchally bearded .
13 It is as if there existed a right to free speech , but that , before exercising it , one must submit to someone with a practically unchallengeable power of censorship a copy of one 's proposed speech for approval .
14 In the interim there existed a period of extraordinary cross-fertilization between Christian and Arabic cultures .
15 One observer estimated that between the east and the west — that is , between the old Russian provinces and the old German provinces of partitioned Poland — there existed a socio-economic gap of experience and development of 50–100 years .
16 The evidence which the Inquiry was able to gather and to consider indicated that the events had dislocated the constitutional arrangements for police accountability and that there now existed a need for a fundamental review of our police system .
17 He adds that ‘ There is little doubt that here existed a town in the time of the Britons ’ and a settlement grew around the Druidic university which according to Peck was the ancient British city of Doorebriff , meaning ‘ sharp stream ’ .
18 In May , following these forays , Hitler had his first top-level meeting to discuss the western defences with the Todt Organisation , and plans were begun for the so-called Atlantic Wall , although there already existed a series of defended ports and the original defence arrangements set up when fleets of craft were being assembled for an invasion of England .
19 Occasionally there existed a press independent of the State but representing white settler interests ; this , however , was plainly not a suitable model for the post-colonial period .
20 Mayer and Timms ( 1970 ) , in a noteworthy social work text , found that there existed a massive level of misunderstanding between client and social worker concerning individual need .
21 At times there existed a land bridge to the island .
22 At one extreme , some of the more staunch believers , Catholic and Protestant alike , were obsessed with religious questions to a degree which most twentieth-century observers would consider neurotic and obsessional ; in contrast , at the other end of the spectrum , there existed a minority of lay men and women who consistently ignored their legal obligation to attend regular Sunday services and remained extraordinarily ignorant of even the most basic tenets of Christianity .
23 For most of this period too , between these two apparently opposed ideological systems there existed a substantial penumbra , within which habits of thought from both overlapped .
24 They did not all put it quite as bluntly as William 11 , but there existed a European society of kings which had real importance for its members .
25 In France , however , there also existed a very different tradition , that of the history of the sciences , a tradition in which Foucault has placed himself .
26 Contained within this ‘ Agreement ’ , as it became known , existed a commitment on the part of the Stock Exchange to abolish fixed commissions in favour of a more competitive regime .
27 In pre-Big Bang times there existed a widespread belief that the then existing regulatory framework was not only propping up an inefficient system but that it was also outmoded and fast becoming inadequate for the protection of investors .
28 Most agreed there existed a certain vacuum .
29 While there existed a small women 's civil rights organization , the Liga Femenina Salvadorena , whose members were from the impatient middle classes , it could not be described as a broad women 's suffrage movement .
30 We may be told that what we understand of an event e , if it is taken as an effect , is that there existed a certain set of conditions — say sc — such that since it existed , e occurred , and e would still have occurred so long as " the usual background " or " the usual environment " obtained .
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