Example sentences of "resort to " in BNC.

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1 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
2 Politicians of all parties resort to dubious statistical assertions .
3 How quickly the deficit falls without resort to recession will tell us how effective the revolution has been in transforming Britain 's producers .
4 Any decision that preparation and presentation should be separate would have to be justified to the public and be open in the last resort to judicial review .
5 There would be no resort to devaluation .
6 The frisson of angry surprise and the instant impulse to prepare for a resort to arms which greeted the inevitable puncturing of those myths were therefore emotions I could neither share nor understand .
7 Is it any wonder that more and more women resort to wearing jeans and anoraks ?
8 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
9 At the start of the trial , Mr Curtis said the stabbing was ‘ an example of the tragedy that can follow when people in anger resort to the use of knives ’ .
10 Since then it has widened its scope considerably , with packages ranging from the traditional fortnight at an English seaside resort to treks through the Himalayas and month-long tours in South America .
11 Mutually important issues such as Cambodian instability , the security of Taiwan and Hong Kong , and tensions on the Korean peninsula ( which may have prompted the visits ) could have been handled through diplomatic channels without resort to secrecy , Mr Winston Lord , US ambassador to China until this year , pointed out yesterday .
12 Similar legal provisions exist in Germany and Japan but big firms rarely resort to them .
13 We must therefore resort to more indirect methods , such as the variation with time of copper-alloy composition or technology of production .
14 The role of the government in publishing the British Gazette , its resort to middle-class volunteers and the use of troops obviously reduced the impact of the strike in many regions .
15 It is true that over the years a few railway signalmen have been convicted of manslaughter for wrongful acts and omissions leading to fatal train crashes , but there is not the natural resort to the criminal law which is now a feature of road-traffic cases .
16 But if he obtains his wife 's submission to intercourse without resort to those means , there is no offence .
17 Resort to such concepts as ‘ common sense ’ and ‘ knowledge of human nature ’ , is little more than a veiled admission that no satisfactory criteria have been found .
18 This is not to suggest that consistency is an unworthy value : the argument is rather that there is a need to decide upon the categories to which the argument of consistency is being applied , and above all to recognize that simple resort to the allegation of inconsistency might serve to conceal the conflict between a number of social interests or principles .
19 Others resort to theft , and the locals report that nothing is safe .
20 His hatred for those who crossed him having once shared the bonds of mutual loyalty was unbounded , but equally he never forgot old services performed , and , apart from the ‘ Night of the Long Knives ’ in June 1934 , he did not resort to purges within the Party .
21 Three point geometric perspective can be constructed without resort to calculations .
22 Both retained large peasant populations and in this century both tried to resolve their economic and social failures by resort to fascism .
23 A broad-beamed fellow like myself should have no difficulty careering it across the ironing board , although a woman or even a bachelor-wimp might sooner resort to an old-fashioned metal iron than attempt to put this monster through its paces .
24 In times of flood the water vole moves upwards through its various tunnels until , in extreme conditions , it is forced to leave its underground refuge and resort to thick cover on the bank .
25 The ruling class , by contrast , was ruthless and cynical in its resort to violence .
26 This was true of the family vendetta , the resort to assassination as a political tactic , the systematic use of torture by the State .
27 The Scottish Nationalists , already blaming Labour for holding out false hopes of victory to the Scottish people , will resort to extremism which will dent their increasingly respectable image .
28 In the latter case , could the GP not have discussed this with the individual first ? why resort to possible compulsory powers ?
29 Sports facilities : these vary from resort to resort , but include a selection of tennis , mini-golf , walking , mountain-bike and pedalo hire .
30 Bardolino is our nearest resort to the great cities of Venice , Milan and Florence and will appeal mainly to those people seeking things to do and see , rather than an inactive holiday in the sun .
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