Example sentences of "resort to " in BNC.

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31 Because of the terrain , we 'd hesitate to recommend this resort to the very old or infirm .
32 Golf enthusiasts flock to enjoy the 18-hole course at the nearby Wildmoos , three miles away , and from mid June to mid September the tourist Office provides transport from the resort to the golf course ( AS20 each way : Summer ‘ 89 price ) .
33 But the main problem with defectors is that they quickly run out of crown jewels and then inevitably resort to inventing what they think their new-found paymasters want to hear in order to extend their usefulness and avoid being discarded to end their days washing dishes in a Hungarian restaurant in downtown Washington .
34 It is always a surprise why people like Tawell resort to the ultimate solution , when there are other courses open to them .
35 But as soon as the name has merged with the object it designates , we must , conversely , resort to metaphor , allusion or allegory if we wish a more expressive term .
36 The retreat from the principles of the 1977 White Paper occurred in the context of the economic crisis of the 1970s , which culminated in the 1976 resort to the International Monetary fund .
37 Of course , resort to technology has always been a feature of health care , if we mean by that the development and use of skills and tools .
38 And the way we do this is by resort to moral principles , which we identify , weigh , and try to apply to the issue before us .
39 These should allow you to make your full presentation without resort to the full notes .
40 Elizabeth was prepared to put her trust in essential oils rather than resort to an even stronger preparation from her doctor who had already prescribed an ointment which had not worked .
41 Yet the resort to arms is by definition a crisis of politics , and to neglect the political response for the sake of military considerations may be just as perilous .
42 Many governments thus resort to financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money , both of which are inflationary .
43 English common law , in statute and in practice , allowed the dominant party to have his way normally without resort to violence or to dubious devices .
44 There is some evidence that the history of policing in England and Wales contains much more resort to the stick and fist than is recognized in the orthodox accounts .
45 What might be called ‘ external ’ interpretation or construction was the subject of Section 2 : jurists resort to construction , when there is evidently an intention on the part of a testator to achieve some object by means of some legal institution , in order to embody that intention in a legal framework .
46 If all science were as Lendrem portrays it , we could ascertain everything by resort to introspection and examination of our own motives .
47 Large numbers of laypeople from all walks of life resort to them for back disorders , often after having tried conventional medical approaches unsuccessfully .
48 At greater speeds they have a choice ; they can either swim at a greater depth ( away from the influence of surface drag ) or resort to their ‘ aquabatics ’ .
49 When journalists resort to this sort of thing you can be sure that the facts are drab in the extreme , and believe me , they do n't come much drabber than our Bargain Weekend Break at the Elan Valley Lodge .
50 The debates take on an almost sacramental nature as speakers resort to the most basic metaphors of reproduction and renewal in a search for the rites of an inner city spring ( Goldberg , 1990 ) .
51 If there was some difficulty involved which resulted in your leaving a job , avoid referring to it , but do not resort to outright lying as this will rebound badly against you if you are found out .
52 Blaming the other is a common phenomenon and we all resort to it at times , whether justified or not .
53 The essential function of the Masai was to provide the perfect opportunity for the British to display what they believed to be their finest characteristics as a ruling race : the ability to understand and to gain the respect of proud traditional peoples , the self-discipline to treat them with courtesy , and the moral authority to guide and control them without resort to brute force .
54 The men who ruled India were aware that what they referred to as their prestige would in the end by compromised by too obvious a reliance on resort to arms .
55 If you are not sure about the right way to connect something in a mains power supply circuit , do not resort to trial and error .
56 Even higher organisms resort to fermentation as an auxiliary process when the oxygen supply is insufficient .
57 ‘ I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should , in a cowardly manner , become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour . ’
58 The satyāgrahi , for example , is required to harbour no anger , never retaliate , voluntarily submit to arrest , never resort to insults , behave courteously , obey orders , respect religious beliefs of others , be prepared to suffer and be scrupulously honest .
59 At such moments , we at Public NME do not , like you , resort to languishing at the back of seedy gigs , grumbling into our flimsily-iced shorts about the dismal lack of ligs in our lives .
60 Many officials believed that ‘ as a rule , men of inferior or no education and of low morals resort to petition-drawing as a means of livelihood . ’
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