Example sentences of "sets [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Tallis sets himself the task of showing that much of the structuralist and poststructuralist enterprise is based on a misreading of Saussure .
2 So much for the asides — but how good is Lewis on the subject he sets himself — on Milton ?
3 The challenge he sets himself grows from the nature of his materials and their relationship to an evolving form , and the outcome often involves a series of variations on known or familiar objects .
4 Anyone who takes on public duties sets himself up for attack , and in Rees-Mogg 's case , the succession of posts was dizzying .
5 He sets himself up as the Father of the British Industry yet he does n't deliver the goods .
6 If he is an experienced gardener , you have to make sure that he sets himself achievable targets , and does not become over-ambitious .
7 He takes a practice swing , sets himself again , looks at the target — and what happens ?
8 The author sets himself the lofty task of presenting the reader with a balanced description of the entire field through fermentation , microbial metabolism , copolymer composition control , to solid state physical properties and biodegradation .
9 Prince sets himself a new goal
10 ‘ And he 'll tell you that each of us would-be Marines is one in a million — one in a billion — except for he who sets himself above the rest of his brothers ; and that one is less . ’
11 In order to understand his project and judge its success , it is important to grasp the problem Poulantzas sets himself : What question is he trying to answer ?
12 He then takes this brief to heart , and sets himself to provide an analysis of the state that avoids a formidable list of errors .
13 ‘ Another particularly odious corruption is the scholar who sets himself up as a unique authority on a certain painter , with the specific knowledge that , in cornering the market , his opinion will be essential for anyone dealing with works by that artist .
14 The assumption is that each tale makes manifest a greater or smaller part of an ‘ abstract structure ’ and the task Todorov sets himself is the delineation of that abstract structure .
15 Let us suppose that a person well acquainted with the woollen trade sets himself to inquire what would be the normal supply price of a certain number of millions of yards annually of a particular kind of cloth .
16 It is true to say that Tamburlaine sets himself very few limits , and this is shown when he makes his aspirations clear by telling his friends that he wants ‘ to become immortal like the Gods ’ .
17 Bank dispute man sets himself alight
18 Former town crier sets himself alight
19 But pop sets itself against nature and abandons wisdom for folly , moments of dissipation .
20 FOR accurate timekeepers , a watch that automatically sets itself to special radio time signals will be launched in Europe later this year .
21 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God ’ ( 2 Corinthians 10:4–5 ) .
22 Can a cleaner on the shopfloor really be expected to know and understand the complex set of aims that a major corporation sets itself ?
23 The Bank sets itself exceptionally high standards that , inter alia , call for projects to deliver at least a 10% economic rate of return .
24 Each boxing match , Sartre claims , must be both a unique event and also in some sense the incarnation of all boxing , whose rules and conventions it follows , and whose past and future history it sets itself against .
25 The tendency of legal doctrine to permit and even require the directors of a company to weigh the interests of groups other than those of the shareholders is closely allied with the claims that a revolution is occurring in the goals which corporate enterprise sets itself and that corporate managers are assuming for their companies ' social responsibilities .
26 If the Government sets itself the job of providing a framework of laws which enables families to meet those personal goals , the country will grow in prosperity and stability .
27 More is involved than bringing forward new policies and programmes : it means … improving the efficiency of the machinery intended to achieve the aims it sets itself
28 For Bürger ( 1984 , p. 48 ) it is specifically ‘ bourgeois art ’ that sets itself up as an autonomous realm .
29 It is only from the eighteenth century that ‘ bourgeois art ’ sets itself up as a realm separate from the social with its own specific ‘ institutional ’ apparatus of production , distribution , and reception of aesthetic forms .
30 It sets out to do one job , and , within the limitations it sets itself , it does it well .
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