Example sentences of "carbon tax " in BNC.

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1 Rises in fuel prices have been relatively stable in recent years , although this restraint may be ending , with the possible introduction of a ‘ carbon tax ’ on fossil fuels to combat global pollution , and the running down of the cheapest supplies of natural gas .
2 Thus the model can not take account either of changes in operators ' costs or of developments such as road pricing or a carbon tax which could be in place in the medium or long term .
3 They are not a noticeably intellectual lot , the Greens , and anyone who goes to one of their conferences expecting deeply researched papers on the carbon tax issue or the structure of the future Green confederation of Europe will come away disappointed .
4 Collor has spoken favourably of the idea of an international carbon tax .
5 Proposals for a worldwide carbon tax and the phasing out of coal-burning generators appear to have been ruled out .
6 Such measures would need very high rates of carbon tax , raising revenues that would be roughly equivalent to a tenth of world product .
7 The paper shows that global welfare losses may be lowest ( see table ) if a carbon tax is levied by energy-consuming countries and kept by them .
8 Losses would be twice as high if energy producers imposed a carbon tax and kept the revenues for themselves , or if a tax were levied by a world agency which then shared out the revenue in proportion to each region 's population .
9 One of the environmental challenges facing the chemical industry today — its role in global warming — is hotting up as the European Commission 's proposal for a carbon tax proceeds .
10 The chemical industry , however , is opposed to a carbon tax for several reasons .
11 As Peter Vogtlander , chemicals coordinator for the Royal Dutch/Shell group , said at the ECMRA meeting in September , ‘ to introduce , say a carbon tax while still maintaining subsidies on some fuels , such as coal , is plainly inconsistent ’ .
12 EC plans for a carbon tax have been the cause of prolonged infighting within the commission and several member states as well as European industry .
13 Accountants also have an important role to play in ensuring that green taxes — such as the much-discussed carbon tax — are designed and administered efficiently .
14 What about plans for a carbon tax ?
15 The policy statement , Supply and demand in a greenhouse economy , published in May , stressed the gravity of the situation regarding global warming and its climatic consequences , and recommended action including raising insulation standards and the introduction of a carbon tax .
16 Mechanisms such as nitrogen quotas and a carbon tax were referred to as actual ways of introducing more environmentally friendly practices , while land zoning linked with conservation incentives , and subsidised organic farming , were seen as ways of encouraging farmers to diversify their income in a way which was more socially acceptable than set-aside .
17 Several types of market mechanism are under discussion — like the ‘ carbon tax ’ whereby fossil fuels are taxed according to their carbon content .
18 Is it expected that that will be the embryo for a carbon tax to pay for more investment in renewable energies ?
19 With regard to a carbon tax he said at Energy Questions on Monday that if that ’ were done unilaterally ahead of the rest of the world , it could put British industry at a severe disadvantage . ’
20 The joint council of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) member states and representatives of the European Communities held its third meeting in Kuwait on May 16 , and issued a statement noting that the EC 's proposed carbon tax [ see p. 38938 ] had been discussed at length , that GCC countries had expressed doubt as to its effectiveness in curbing emissions , and that negotiations on this topic would continue .
21 Most recently he had also refused to attend the UNCED summit , which he described as a " funeral wake " , arguing that the failure to agree on a carbon tax " deluded expectations and eluded responsibility " [ see p. 38947 ] .
22 The EC Commissioner for the Environment , Carlo Ripa di Meana , refused to attend UNCED in protest at the Community 's failure to agree a joint policy programme on the key summit issues and especially a carbon tax [ see p. 38943 for his resignation on becoming Italian Environment Minister ] .
23 In particular , the energy department has been reluctant to talk about a carbon tax , an idea which Mr Nicholas Ridley , the environment secretary has said in cabinet that he is keen to explore .
24 Labour has rejected the idea of a carbon tax and seems to intend to achieve the cut largely through controls on the use of cars and through implementing a public transport drive .
25 Belgium , France , Denmark and West Germany agreed that a community-wide ) carbon tax should be applied .
26 But Carlo Ripa di Meana , the European commissioner for the environment , suggested that the carbon tax is not required urgently because oil prices are rising anyway due to the Gulf crisis .
27 Other proposals under consideration include revoking permission for peat extraction ( often operated under old " interim development orders " obtained before the current system of planning permission came into effect ) , and imposing a carbon tax on peat production ( reflecting the fact that undeveloped peat bogs act as a carbon sink ) .
28 The Netherlands government 's proposed carbon tax and associated " eco-energy " levies has provoked a number of large companies to consider withdrawing from the country , according to industrial sources .
29 The carbon tax could lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels .
30 The carbon tax proposals are similar to those mooted by the EC [ see ED 51 ] , which have been shelved in the wake of opposition from industry .
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