Example sentences of "finding themselves " in BNC.

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1 It is more an inevitable consequence of two people ( particularity people of a similar age ) finding themselves sitting together week after week in a setting which , socially speaking , is hard to define .
2 Centres for the physically handicapped have traditionally taken the elderly , and youngsters finding themselves there after leaving school may feel their adult lives have ended rather than just begun .
3 Doctors balance enthusiasm for more local control of funding as a self-governing trust against fears about clinicians finding themselves too close to budgetary responsibility .
4 If British consumers fail to buy the new models , European Community-devised satellite broadcasting norms could mean millions of viewers finding themselves watching a distorted picture , or being forced to buy a decoder costing up to £200 .
5 The past year has been a vexing time for most research councils finding themselves in the situation of having to reduce their volume of activity within a failing budget .
6 Even well-established commercial farmers are finding themselves on a cruel treadmill of soaring capital investment , the financing of which can only be serviced by increasing mortgages based on the rising cost of land .
7 CAB advisers are accustomed to finding themselves in the position of mediators , and although they usually sit comfortably in this role , many dislike the role of mediator between client , Department of Social Security and charity foundations that has been thrust upon them .
8 Advisers are therefore more often finding themselves in the position of having to tell the client that they can not help in any material way .
9 One called Success After Sixty ( address on page 149 ) now considers anyone from the age of 50 because of early retirement or redundancy , or because some women on finding themselves alone at this age need to find another job .
10 Revenue ‘ personnel ’ ( and I use the term ‘ personnel ’ advisedly , for they ca n't be real people , can they ? ) suddenly finding themselves victims of a money-is-the-only thing-that-matters approach to life .
11 Maltreated cats , finding themselves in a similar plight , often approached such women , who befriended them as substitutes for human companionship and love .
12 Those middle managers who are left are finding themselves with three times as much work to do as before , handicapped by depleted back-up resources .
13 If this view is correct , I can only conclude that I was saddled with both sets of anxieties and , in addition , that there are more and more adolescent girls today who are finding themselves in the same position .
14 Green 's research reported in Swann ( 1985 ) demonstrated that intolerant teachers gave least time and attention to Afro-Caribbean boys and Asian girls , while a major investigation , Education for Some , documented that academically able Afro-Caribbean pupils were finding themselves relegated to lower bands and were being entered for examinations below their abilities , with teachers perceptions playing an important part in the discriminatory misallocation ( Eggleston et al . ,
15 Increasingly , American expatriates are finding themselves returning home and , as part of the same process , many US executives have found opportunities with European and other foreign firms based in the USA who also favour the employment of nationals .
16 Anna and Isobel , finding themselves together in front of a bright watercolour of a Cornish harbour painted by Archdeacon Neville on one of his walking holidays , fell into conversation .
17 Delrina is basing its pitch on the expected low cost of these modems relative to the cost of buying separate facsimile and answering machines , and the large installed base of Windows users with a single phone line who keep finding themselves talking to modems .
18 African states went to war with each other often enough to have a large number of captives to sell , and competition among the slave traders encouraged this and pushed them into searching aggressively for slaves among their neighbours or else finding themselves enslaved by their better-equipped rivals .
19 The problem there is that users that do adopt OS/2 2.0 whole heartedly run the risk of finding themselves in the same fate of neglection that 8100 users suffered after the first glow of perceived success began to fade .
20 Agencies who intervene are in danger of finding themselves in the role of persecutors !
21 A more serious problem was what to do with the soldiers who , now accustomed to fighting and to war 's many attractions , were finding themselves without an occupation .
22 Given time , Boulestin could perhaps with his book of menus have opened the door to organized cooking for thousands of young women who in the thirties were finding themselves on their own in flats and bed-sitting rooms knowing nothing more about how to make a meal than that it ought to taste nice and should not be a bore .
23 Many members of the oligarchy , particularly the military , have powerful financial interests in gambling and prostitution , but on the other hand , prostitutes are always in danger of finding themselves outside the margin of the law .
24 In 1712 the Goldsmiths , finding themselves responsible for yearly payments not only to the charities which they supported or were still required to pay for but also to the many hundreds of the Company 's annuities over the years 1695–1709 , resolved to mortgage their properties .
25 Still , he thought , Holly would no doubt think twice before following them into a place like that , and to keep beside the brook might well prove safer than wandering about the fields in one direction and another , with the risk of finding themselves , in the end , back at the warren .
26 The Government claims that the poor will be protected from finding themselves amongst this group of losers by the national system of rebates that will operate alongside the new scheme .
27 Many people finding themselves in this position would also benefit from spending a few weeks engaged in extensive job search activities as members of a Job Club .
28 In this spirit , Section 11 of the 1966 Local Government Act offered financial assistance for those authorities finding themselves with substantial proportions of Commonwealth migrant communities ‘ whose language and customs differ from those of the community ’ .
29 Many black teachers hardly fare better at the hands of their white colleagues , often finding themselves the butt of racist jokes , hostile remarks and isolation in the staff room .
30 Even then , the problem of seamen finding themselves disqualified for petty reasons remained an aggravating one .
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