Example sentences of "found himself " in BNC.

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1 So it was without surprise that he found himself sharing with her one of the tinny , open-sided cars of the creaky old funicular that saved tourists the toil of climbing the seven hundred and more steep stone steps up from the Marina Grande .
2 Henry found himself next to the
3 Charles also found himself in a difficult position .
4 He was unaware of any high ‘ g ’ or , indeed , of anything at all , until he found himself regaining consciousness in a near vertical climb , about to tail slide .
5 Cameron found himself saddened and frustrated by the episode at the McCullochs ' — it brought the dilemma of the movement to a point .
6 Cameron was sincerely amused — he found himself weirdly untroubled , as though he was watching a fantasy unfolding in which he was barely implicated .
7 He repeatedly found himself asking the question Who ? — and What ? — was he ?
8 Layton 's ebullience was on a par with Ezra Pound 's ‘ showmanship ’ , and Leonard now found himself not so very far from where the great revolutionary poet ( of Imagism , Vortism etc. ) was actually incarcerated .
9 In November 1959 he found himself back in Montreal , ‘ to renew his neurotic affiliations ’ as he was to repeat endlessly to journalists ; meeting his friends and family , sometimes bumping into his uncles who would take him for expensive meals at top restaurants — such as the Ritz — and hotels ; and generally awakening and reawakening those impulses and memories which would fire his imagination and energise his mind for months to come .
10 Tonight he had been immersed in scenes of Mafia violence and found himself the next moment slumped in the Chesterfield staring at silver snow on the screen .
11 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
12 Professionalism in writing was what Yeats resentfully found himself condemned to ; but he did n't like it , and he never pretended to .
13 Speelman , with the black pieces , found himself under pressure after Timman produced a new idea late in a Queen 's Gambit .
14 Atkinson ( the manager ) says his bottom-of-the-table team were so bad in one of the five defeats they have suffered in eight First Division games that he found himself joining in with the cries for his dismissal .
15 He found himself in a city in turmoil , where traditional values had been overturned by Maurice Johnston 's decision to dump Celtic for Rangers .
16 In the early 1920s , when the industry was increasingly the preserve of the studios , Goldwyn found himself an outsider , an independent producer in competition with the majors .
17 Given his deep-rooted Salvation Army connections , it came as no surprise when the 18-year-old Eric Ball found himself employed ( not without some misgivings on his part ) in their Music Editorial Department .
18 After five years as Chancellor of the Exchequer , and after the lost election of 1979 , he says he found himself wearing this Shirt of Nessus .
19 Jack Jones found himself assailed by Paul Johnson , the ex-editor of the New Statesman who had moved to the far right , as ‘ The Emperor Jones ’ , almost a fourth estate of the realm in himself and the symbol of overweening trade-union power .
20 Even so , the unions ' power to strike and picket remained substantial ; Tebbit found himself unable to outlaw the closed shop entirely .
21 When there were not games he disappeared into the library and found himself the only person in the building .
22 He found himself in enormous buildings , with a labyrinth of rooms , and he was lost in the pile .
23 Sometimes he would be climbing up and down a cliff and he found himself stuck , unable to get higher and unable to climb down and once he was left clinging on a ledge for ever .
24 He found himself saying , ‘ In 1919 the Enabling Act was passed ’ and then could not remember what the Enabling Act was ; although it was and still in part is the Act which defines the nature of the establishment in England .
25 An isolated curate who wanted knowledge found himself living a few yards from a man who at first sight was an explosive popular preacher , but who happened also to be one of the coming academic theologians of England , and an inciter of younger minds .
26 He hated the vulgarity of showing off the delegates as though they were exhibits , and the insincerity of pretending that platitudes were pronouncements of world-shaking import , and the feeling that he came a long way to greet fellow-Christians and found himself turned into a ham-actor on a second-rate stage .
27 He found himself with the duty of helping to make a vital decision for the Church of England at a moment in its destiny .
28 In London he found himself chronically overworked , unhappily married , and a failure in his parents ' eyes .
29 While in 1920–1 Eliot admired both Edward Wadsworth 's drawings of industrial landscapes and Picasso 's primitivism , he found himself living the life of Thomson or of the city clerks he had read about in Conan Doyle , Davidson , Conrad , and elsewhere .
30 Religious hope flickers , as at Magnus Martyr , but the city crowds out the city churches , and going to the apparent sources of the religious life which seemed to hold promise in Lower Thames Street , Eliot found himself unable to sustain hope .
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