Example sentences of "found himself " in BNC.

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1 And it is apparent that Ackroyd has found himself in this manner — through exposure to Wilde , Eliot , and now Chatterton .
2 The other main reason is that , having been sidelined by Neil Kinnock last year into the job of transport , Mr Prescott has found himself appearing on the early-evening television and radio bulletins more often than any other member of the Shadow Cabinet .
3 Edward York makes him more of a Friar Larry , Romeo 's dishevelled contemporary , one of the lads who has unaccountably found himself a Franciscan .
4 The leader of the Janata Dal party , VP Singh , has found himself and his family under scrutiny in recent weeks over highly suspect allegations that his son controlled a secret bank-account in the Caribbean island of St Kitts .
5 It Was a funny place for Charlie Hatton to have found himself in and Wexford wondered why he had n't attended the dentist in the town .
6 He was in uniform , very much in the situation in which Lewis had found himself as an undergraduate at Univ .
7 But it is not the first case where an Australasian entrepreneur , hailed as a hero when things are going well , has found himself brought to earth with an ignominious bump when the going gets tough .
8 Every man in her vicinity had found himself putting his best foot forward , and she had done wonders for the sartorial standards of the notoriously uncaring C1 division .
9 He had found himself trapped in a room with doors made up of huge , sliding slabs of rock all round it .
10 But as she did so , she thought she heard a thin , piercing sound , like the wail of a child who has just wakened up and found himself alone .
11 There was talk of one independent dealer losing £50,000 yesterday alone ; another was said to have found himself £150,000 out of pocket over the week .
12 One scholar has found himself in the awkward position of having to describe William Falconer , author of The Shipwreck , as ‘ a peasant of the sea ’ .
13 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
14 Buckmaster , who normally dominated a conversation , had found himself taken aback by the scale Morgan foresaw they would operate on .
15 They were also indebted to Southwood forward Steve Lynch who , having found himself through of goal , looked over his shoulder to see the linesman 's flag raised and tapped the ball back to Gardner .
16 One night he had found himself chuckling at the merry escapades of Mr Pickwick ; another night he had wept uncontrollably at the death of Little Nell .
17 Almost every conjurer who has taken a parti pris in this field has found himself accused of possessing psychic powers .
18 And then , six weeks after the funeral , he had suddenly found himself able to believe that it had n't happened , not in that way , and that the whole horror was a childhood fantasy .
19 It was only in middle life that he ceased self-denigration and began to accuse others of the faults of which he had previously found himself guilty .
20 His reaction was so wild that he would have found himself in even deeper trouble if he had connected with Simpson .
21 He had ‘ found himself ’ young and firmly held on to that ; as he was to do with remarkable consistency .
22 He had realised as soon as he had employed Michael that he had found himself a kindred spirit .
23 He could n't quite believe he had found himself such a beautiful animal .
24 While in Mexico , Penn had found himself wielding not just his paintbrush but also the camera , and Liberman , fascinated by the results , nurtured Penn 's developing interest and gave him his first commission — a still-life cover for Vogue , October 1943 .
25 The laird who sought the politician 's aid had found himself in an embarrassing predicament when a brother had unexpectedly returned to the family estate after many years spent at sea .
26 Had that proposal been acted on , McKusick , CSRG senior programmer and past president of Usenix , would have found himself in another conflict of interests since he is believed to be a secret a director of BSDI .
27 After the The Lancaster House agreement , Mike had found himself in a similar position to the rest of the Rhodesian Army — overqualified , over-trained , and unemployed .
28 The last time he called on us after his exhibition at Keighley he seemed a new man , with a delight in having found himself in his painting and amazement that it also gave pleasure to so many others .
29 For the first time in his life , Bigwig had found himself driven to moderation and prudence .
30 When Keith Vaughan left for a holiday in France in July 1948 , he had momentarily found himself alone at Hamilton Terrace and again reported to Edie on his progress .
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