Example sentences of "car phone " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Please do n't portray me as some flashy Vegas gambler who 's plopping into the White House in Italian suits and expensive watches , ’ Mr Rogich told a reporter from The New York Times from his car phone .
2 He found himself avoiding the street in which Francesca lived as he drove for North Kensington , calling ahead on his car phone to make sure that the forensic team was still there .
3 Early fog had cleared and the airport manager and I were standing on the tarmac lining up the motorcade when my car phone rang .
4 ‘ Right , I 'll call an ambulance on the car phone .
5 Our Life President , Lady Sybil Clampe , was unable to be with us because she had been hemmed in by an inconsiderate BMW in the station car park in Swindon , but she gave a rousing presidential address over her car phone .
6 According to Soames 's sister , Emma , the admirable Sutton would answer Soames 's car phone in the manner of a country butler , asking callers to hold the line while he saw if Sir was in .
7 If you have a radio , a cassette player , a car phone or fax , then those stationary hours in the car are not totally wasted .
8 Some mobile phone retailers are now supplying the once popular car phone free , bar an installation charge , and rely on bill-related bonuses to make up the entire profit .
9 Investigators believed that the conversations were different and intercepted as Mr Gilbey used his car phone on the outskirts of Oxford to call Diana at Sandringham .
10 In contrast , a truly mobile phone , like a car phone , can be used in most places because it is on one of the UK 's cellular networks Cellnet or Vodafone .
11 The car phone in Cowley 's small , private vehicle blinked red .
12 Behind him , the red light on his car phone began to blink .
14 THE heartbreaking news was broken to Caroline 's parents over their car phone .
15 She used a car phone … but not to send for an ambulance or police .
16 There was a car waiting , but because of the fog they abandoned the idea of driving down and went to the railway station , caught a train with minutes to spare , picked up the car that was waiting for them the other end , rang the studio from the car phone to let them know where they were , and ran into London Weekend Television .
17 • The sight of Whiston 's swirling exhaust proved too much for car phone toting motorists shooting down the M6 … at one point there were three fire tenders parked on the hard shoulder above the mineral line after false alarms calls from panicking motorists !
18 I 'd think twice about levelling those jarges at Jake Burns if he was sitting in the same room as me but seeing as he 's on a car phone whizzing up London 's Tottenham Court Road , what the heck !
19 Electromagnetic smog increases with every new car phone and extra metre of electric cabling .
20 The chauffeur reached for the car phone .
21 Inside Balberith was on the car phone .
22 ‘ Hello ! ’ shouted Balberith into the car phone .
23 If you can have a car phone , in theory you can have a Fax machine to go with it .
24 All you need is an interface from the car phone and an inverter from the battery to supply the power .
25 ‘ Here 's my car phone number , ’ Guy cut in evenly .
26 ‘ They have my car phone number .
27 The story goes that James Gilbey , pulled into a lay-by somewhere in Oxfordshire on New Years Eve 1989 and used his car phone to call the Royal residence at Sandringham in Norfolk .
28 The story goes that James Gilbey , pulled into a lay-by somewhere in Oxfordshire on New Years Eve 1989 and used his car phone to call the Royal residence at Sandringham in Norfolk .
29 And a lifeline for lone women … a cut-price car phone to call help at the roadside .
30 It 's a portable car phone that can be plugged into the socket of a cigarette lighter .
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