Example sentences of "himself towards " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Milord , milord , ’ he shouted , hurling himself towards the pair in the prow .
2 The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism showed Eliot again considering poetry 's primitive roots and to some extent consciously reorienting himself towards romanticism .
3 He drove himself towards her and grabbed her arm .
4 Simon launched himself towards the table and crashed both clenched fists down on its surface , making it rock dangerously and all the mugs and cans rattle .
5 He dragged his dead legs behind him , and pulled himself towards the battle .
6 He was badly shocked and in great pain but managed to steer himself towards a field half a mile from the parachute club at Brunton , Northumberland .
7 In skill training the opposite can apply , the trainee is persuaded to be flexible and to orient himself towards the end rather than the means .
8 Using his wings he begins to glide downwards , and by dropping one wing tip and then the other he guides himself towards the enemy army and his chosen target .
9 That the Assembly could depose and fine them at no notice , as happened to Pericles himself towards the end of his life , shows that the Assembly was theoretically and actually master .
10 My fear was further sharpened when Tooth , the only practising Muslim aboard , stiffly emerged from below wearing his black peci hat , and proceeded to prostrate himself towards Mecca at hours not prescribed by Islamic doctrine .
11 He sprinted desperately towards the plinth and , as the vase fell , launched himself towards it in a lunging dive .
12 The mathematician propelled himself towards the prone figure some yards away .
13 He tried to resist the voice — to shut it out from his mind — to will himself towards his destination again — towards the light .
14 He parted some ferns so we could look back across the Paddock to the changing-rooms where the next toy soldier had just launched himself towards the Orchard .
15 erm just a word or two about the erm question of erm changes of rate and what was Darwin 's attitude himself towards this issue .
16 He had never felt like that himself towards any woman , but he knew that such a feeling must be love .
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