Example sentences of "got through " in BNC.

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1 According to the Tass news agency , 37 trains got through over the weekend , partly as a result of ‘ serious measures ’ by the authorities .
2 When I finally got through to Taff to enquire about what sort of night he had had , and if there had been many casualties during the barrage , his reply was rather matter of fact .
3 People got through to the Prince who should not have , and those who should have did n't .
4 ‘ When they got through into Lenin Square , the leadership of the republic climbed down from their viewing podium and ran off .
5 Textiles accounted for just over a third , after a slight increase that got through to profit .
6 Textiles accounted for just over a third , after a slight increase that got through to profit .
7 Mark Edwards , the ABA middleweight champion already in the Auckland squad , also won the vote of all three judges against Robert Buda , but the England captain Richie Woodhall got through only on a majority decision against his fellow Olympic bronze medal winner at light-middleweight .
8 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
9 Anyway , I got through to the finals , that was really nerve-racking , and my mum and my boyfriend came along to see me in it .
10 North wanted the Monimbo seized or sunk ; Poindexter wanted ‘ measures taken to make sure ship does not arrive in Nicaragua ’ ; McFarlane seems to have choked over the legality of piracy , and the ship and the rifles got through .
11 At last I got through , demanded an ambulance , and had to ask Masha for the number of the room .
12 He always went to sleep with his still burning , so he got through a lot more than she did .
13 When the challenge got through to him , he disobeyed the first rule of the services and volunteered .
14 ‘ Perhaps someone got through on a short-wave transmitter ? ’
15 I do n't know whether I got through .
16 What happened to me might have broken me — it nearly did break me — but I got through .
17 It was a moment before Michael 's quip got through to Hana .
18 I called , got through and spoke to a man who sounded as ordinary and as sane as I thought I was .
19 Sometimes she got through .
20 When he got through and began to speak he cheered up as he laughed and talked away , before becoming depressed at the end of the call .
21 It was an amazing amount of wine they got through down at Wyvis Hall , and not only wine .
22 Rope and spars came mostly from the Baltic states and the convoys got through with difficulty .
23 At last Tabitha got through .
24 He had stopped fighting me as my voice got through to him .
25 Talbot reached for a phone and got through to Van Gelder .
26 They had halved the remaining distance to the burning yacht when Talbot got through to the radio-room again .
27 But I must have felt the need for some support , because I found I 'd grabbed hold of one of my hammers — a geologist is always armed with a hammer — and when I got through to the back of the house he was there already , at the kitchen window . ’
28 After about three hours , we got through and we asked her what had happened and she said ‘ everything is fine … the tanks are just across the road ’ , and my mum did n't know what to say because we were all so upset .
29 Seventeen competitors flashed the route but unfortunately no Brits got through .
30 I was one of 15 who got through to the third stage which is a five day winter course .
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