Example sentences of "got caught " in BNC.

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1 Well , we got caught , of course , by this very Mr Snead coming in satirical German manner , even shining a torch , an English suburban stormführer .
2 It appears that the Airborne and Commandos got caught up in the shelling and suffered casualties , dead and wounded . ’
3 Certainly not compared to the time he got caught messing around on the roof of Battersea Power Station trying to nick the lead .
4 They said that it was in everyone 's interest that he got caught .
5 Mona was quiet , hardworking and extremely stubborn , anxious to be agreeable ; but once she took up a position — or got caught in one — she was obstinately immovable and this had often brought her into conflict with Moran .
6 This raises the possibility that OS/2 — and , with it , IBM 's partnership with Microsoft — will get caught in a vicious circle , much like DOS got caught in a virtuous one .
7 He had keen eyes and quick hands , so it was a long time before he got caught .
8 I got caught . ’
9 I knew that if I tried to rob someone and got caught , I 'd go to jail .
10 Mr Rumback either read to them from books , which no-one heard because the words got caught in his big moustache , or slept .
11 Ants frequently got caught in the pine resins that were destined to become amber , and numerous fossil species have been recognized .
12 ‘ It was in Kabul that I got caught in a safe house , ’ another term he 'll always think of differently , ‘ by the secret police and I was put in prison .
13 We got caught up in the keep-fit bandwagon in the mid 80s and got ourselves into shape .
14 She used to show you a collection of photographs which she kept in her wallet as if they were family photographs , but in fact these pictures were all pictures of men 's cocks , she used to make them stop on the way home at the photobooth in the entrance to the station , she 'd make them stand on the stool with their trousers down , she never got caught — Greta , on seeing me leave with an especially handsome man : ‘ I hope you 're on the pill . ’
15 One morning , he got caught short in the bathroom and was too weak to clean it up .
16 But I got caught , along with my father , and I was knocked unconscious .
17 When Mother got caught again , for the umpteenth time , rather than risk Father 's mounting wrath , she gave the line a couple of vicious tugs , hoping he would not notice ; and almost died of fright when an outraged salmon leapt from the water and made off upstream like a rocket .
18 T. D. You could always have a cigarette if you wanted it but if you got caught , you were in trouble .
19 But the two acting sergeants got caught .
20 It helped if you got caught to know as little as possible .
21 But if I ever got caught out with the big guy in the skull mask and the big axe thing then I 'd probably ask to end up coming back as my son because he 'd have my amazing charm , dazzling character , obscene talent ( ? — Ed ) , and chiselled good looks ! ( and gift for talking utter bullshine ! — Ed ) .
22 ‘ H.B. would slaughter us if we got caught .
23 There , Emerson made a superb start but got caught in traffic at the first left-hander .
24 Starting twelfth , Hunt got caught in a battle with Tom Pryce and went off the track and into a sand trap .
25 He ran away as a teenager , got caught , ran away again and settled in Detroit .
26 His parents , who live at Clevelys , near Blackpool , feared he had strayed outside the airport and got caught up in the disaster .
27 Kevin said : ‘ The front wheels ran over him and he got caught by one leg .
28 The betting shops got caught and did n't like it .
29 Many of us got caught this way years ago , but I do n't think yarns for weaving are sold at Knitting Shows anymore — at least I have n't heard the complaints that I used to do .
30 And er one or two got caught up occasionally now and then so we did erm have to go underneath because I was earning too much to get a free one it cost me seven pounds ten and I 've got the receipt for it .
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