Example sentences of "to move forward " in BNC.

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1 I can say without embarrassment that I have been training for this for a long time , that I have learned to breathe the rarefied air , that I now know when to stand still and when to move forward , when to attack and when to retreat , when to leave a problem to resolve itself and when to go on working at it till the solution emerges .
2 It takes a little time to sec that you 're not moving forward any more , either because you do n't know how or because there is n't anywhere to move forward to .
3 Of course all these things are relative , I told him , of course if you take the long perspective there 's never anywhere to move forward to and all advance is illusory , but in the short perspective there comes a point when there is no option except to abandon .
4 as if now I know it will soon be off my hands time has started to move forward again .
5 Once the Warriors had reversed out of their way , the sections began to move forward to clear the enemy positions at bayonet point .
6 And that , frozen for ten or fifteen years , the countries of the East must painstakingly provide full democratic credentials before she allows them to move forward .
7 When we say that what we see is a mile away , we must mean that were we to move forward a mile , we would be ‘ affected with such and such ideas of touch ’ ; and so Berkeley concludes that the things we see are not the same as those we touch .
8 The will and skill to move forward are therefore not in short supply .
9 ‘ Britain is ready now to move forward , ’ he said .
10 We know how tough it has been for many but we are poised to move forward again , lacking only the spark of confidence with which a Conservative victory would ignite recovery .
11 In 1963 he called together a representative meeting to discuss plans to move forward from the Curriculum Steering Group and create a new and ( of course ) co-operative body which would assume responsibility for the national examination system , for giving advice on the school curriculum , and for relating the two .
12 The whole crowd seemed to move forward a little with him .
13 Therefore both information availability and the authority to move forward at the front line are musts .
14 The interaction of the enquiring and critical minds of students and staff , the pursuit of ideas and the desire to move forward the boundaries of knowledge are the hallmarks of higher education .
15 To move forward to the present there would have been yet another shock for Green .
16 However , to move forward and to develop an infrastructure that will support corporate growth , the University needs a new financial base and the Campaign for Resource is set to achieve it .
17 The car began to move forward , slowly this time , until its wheels reached the disrupted earth , which heaved and heaved again .
18 Ho began to move forward stiffly .
19 There is a version of this where the children have to move forward the same number of paces as the time called out by the shark .
20 Pick an area of life in which you wish to move forward — perhaps health , work , relationships , money or spirituality — and scribble down whatever comes to mind about your self-image in that area ( e.g. ‘ Me and health ’ ; ‘ Me and work ’ ) .
21 With the Labour Party in a state of revision , a basic fact is being overlooked : the Labour Party is not able to move forward without new membership , fresh ideas and a sense of coherence .
22 This caused everything to move forward two places to make room .
23 He would have preferred a spinning wheel for her to sit at , but one had to move forward with the times .
24 Building societies ' responses to the consultation on the 1992 regulations tend to favour that situation , and so the two are likely to move forward in parallel for the foreseeable future .
25 But the machine , as if unaware of all the spiritual anguish and philosophical commotion , and despite the terrible damage wrought by its own locomotion , began to move forward again .
26 Rangers continued to move forward and four minutes later Ferdinand latched on to a fine chip by Ian Holloway .
27 Despite our success , we continue to move forward , investing substantially in R&D through our network of research centres in the UK .
28 Many of these boil down to the simultaneous call to go back to doing it the way it was , to keep on doing it the way it is , and to move forward to doing it differently .
29 Herringbroom is not concerned with conquering a technique , however , or showing an impressive facility ; it is about approach , about an attitude that allows the student to evolve , to move forward within his or her own work .
30 Out of the disarray into which the ECSC had fallen , the High Authority attempted to move forward to a general agreement on energy , but it was not until April 1964 that the Council of Ministers eventually agreed to a document .
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