Example sentences of "shows itself " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , the pain this causes shows itself as what used to be called ‘ groin strain ’ .
2 The contrast , as nearly as the character of the house-building industry admits of the comparison , is that between mass-production and individual work , and shows itself alike in cost and output .
3 A more or less permanent steam column will soon establish itself , and a Surtseyan eruption ensues , with ejected material accumulating on the sea floor until there is such a pile that the top of it shows itself above sea level , and an island is born .
4 This is inflammation and infection of the breast which sometimes follows cracked nipples and shows itself by pain , redness of a part or the whole breast , swelling , and fever .
5 In this case we may say that the reflection shows itself through the mirror , and this illustrates the general principle that consciousness can be understood only by an examination of how it reveals itself through the material world .
6 Likewise when serious troubles threaten and sorrow comes , a compelling need to believe that there is help or relief available from a source of much greater scope than that neighbourly help which meets the lesser needs of day to day discomforts , shows itself to be experienced by , in some measure , nearly all humanity .
7 It shows itself in powerful emotions that surprise us , in the richness of dream images , and in phobias and prejudices .
8 The flexibility of the shaft shows itself in bending and twisting .
9 If they are already nervous — if , for example , a predator has recently been harassing them underground — they may be less inclined to endure further stress and make a bolt for it as soon as the ferret shows itself .
10 There is temptation to prove herself , by handling conflicting , stressful elements , by taking on too much , but at this stage the wisdom of discrimination usually shows itself .
11 This belief shows itself in action : e.g. in the cure of the paralysed man ( Mark 2:1–12 ) .
12 Cats have been known to laze , apparently half-asleep , for up to an hour beside a mouse hole , yet instantly to cut down the unwary prey that , even momentarily , shows itself .
13 Sometimes this shows itself .
14 It reigned almost without limit in primitive times when property was still very scanty , and it already shows itself in the nursery almost before property has given up its primal , anal form … .
15 God 's holiness , the holiness we are to reflect , shows itself in concern for the underprivileged ( 9–10 , 14 , 20 ) , in honesty , fair dealing and impartial justice ( 11 , 13 , 15 ) and in respect for life and reputation ( 16–18 ) .
16 Now a compression is , pressure on the brain , caused by fracture , bleed or blood clot now if a person has been suffering from concussion and it 's gone unnoticed , that bleed could be just carrying on and on and on and it could take up to four to five days before the compression shows itself so perhaps a week later they 're sitting down to breakfast saying ooh my head hurts , now the poor wife or husband , or whoever it is does n't know about that knock on the head that they had previously , unless somebody 's told them about it mm , so your casualty now is going to have this headache and a beauty , they 're going to be confused their levels of consciousness it will deteriorate face is very hot , dry flushed the pupils will become unequal and because of the pressure breathing becomes noisy if you feel the pulse , it 's going to be slow and strong and you will get paralysis on the opposite side to the compression , what are , what are the signs and symptoms of ?
17 internal bleeding , right so the internal bleeding sometimes shows itself externally , for example if I had damage to my lungs or severe damage to the inside of my lungs I 'd cough up blood and that 's in , what do you think ?
18 There 's a fault in our family — they say it shows itself once each generation .
19 The aim , he avers , is to develop an idiom from the necessity of the thing itself : ‘ This shows itself possibly in an urban romanticism , and a concern with characterisation , attitude and atmosphere . ’
20 This shows itself both in musical content — the impact of ragtime , jazz , Tin Pan Alley songs , new dance forms , and so on — and in new methods of mass production , publicity and distribution : in short , a drive towards ‘ one-way communication ’ in homogeneous markets .
21 It is a bold colonization by a group that knows it is — and shows itself to be — in the ascendant .
22 The basic complexity is one of asymmetry , which in these conditions shows itself as a deepseated contradiction between the reproduction of market relations ( both directly , within the market , and indirectly , within state and educational functions ) and the consequences of such reproduction in certain sensitive and perhaps crucial areas of public morality , respect for authority and actual crime .
23 In fact , if inspected more closely , it shows itself to be a rickety structure of ad hoc contrivance and ill-founded reductivist moves .
24 And I think the the local touch if you like of the principal beat officer , er shows itself on occasions like that .
25 We talk casually of someone drowning in work or drinking themselves to death long before a terminal illness shows itself or their suicidal drive is detected .
26 Class shows itself in the fact that women who are council tenants are three times more likely to be sexually assaulted , than those who are owner-occupiers .
27 ‘ The value of this relationship shows itself when users need support in emergencies , or when large new projects have to be undertaken .
28 The antipathy to any large-scale popular participation in running public affairs , which shows itself constantly in many more forms than those which I have mentioned here by way of illustration , has been incorporated in several different ways into political science .
29 The contradiction shows itself in the phenomena of underconsumption and in periodic crises ; and it provides the main ground for Marx 's expectation of an eventual breakdown of the capitalist system .
30 From about 1000 A.D. the true Romanesque style of architecture shows itself and , since it emerged in many different countries of Europe which were not in all these years under the influence and direction of one empire , as previously , it developed in different ways .
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