Example sentences of "shows himself " in BNC.

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1 He shows himself to be here , as he did in his earlier Deconstruction : Theory and Practice , an admirably lucid and urbane expositor of difficult ideas .
2 And this is not the only place in The Exile where Pound shows himself restive inside the image of himself that had been built up among initiates by his propaganda of fifteen years before , when he had taken over ‘ imagism ’ and championed Ford Madox Ford 's ideas about a diction for poetry that should be ‘ plain ’ and ‘ direct ’ .
3 It is ironic that by privileging sexual difference Scruton shows himself the victim of precisely the modern intensification of sexuality which in other ways he might regard as contributing to a legitimation of the perversions he repudiates .
4 Second , simply in what Scruton classifies as perversions — masturbation , bestiality , necrophilia , paedophilia , sado-masochism , homosexuality , incest , fetishism — he shows himself to have accepted uncritically the sexological/Freudian classification of perversions as developed in the nineteenth century . ’
5 Later in the same decade , when British filmmakers had lost their interest in international affairs , the same actor , George Cole , plays the inadequate gang-leader in Too Many Crooks ( 1959 ) , a film whose insights into the cold realities of contemporary marriage derives from the story of a kidnapped wife who plots revenge when her husband shows himself less than interested in paying over her ransom .
6 He was not mad about slide shows himself , it was a wet day , the rich contributors had to be helped in with their umbrellas ; he was sceptical that North could do anything arresting .
7 Nevertheless , if Qaddafi shows himself limited by this commonplace either-or , he has a decided advantage over West European or American anti-statesmen , who are generally at a loss to say how a society with only families will organize itself : what is to make the linkages among families ? — the market ? — a mafia ? — a telephone company ?
8 Mr Creme believes Christ has already come again — came a few years ago actually — and is now residing in the Asian community in London , waiting for a more receptive attitude from the press before He shows Himself on worldwide television , when ‘ He wo n't actually speak , but His thoughts , His ideas , His call to humanity , will take place silently , telepathically . ’
9 As he runs back , the owner shows himself .
10 In respect of God 's being , the fundamental axiom with which Barth works is that God is ‘ eternally and antecedently in himself ’ what he shows himself to be in Jesus .
11 In imitation of Velasquez , Minton shows himself at his easel reflected in the mirror behind .
12 Yet there are others , on the fringes of power , who see him quite often at meetings of the government , at the very few moments when he shows himself to carefully selected groups of people , or when he travels from place to place .
13 In the diver-picture he shows himself ready to adumbrate the idea of a spatial setting , but he is far more cautious and conventional than his Etruscan predecessor .
14 More specifically , Lukacs shows himself to be extremely hostile to a number of key concepts on the socialist realist agenda precisely because they are symptomatic of an excessively subjectivist and false , because partial , view of reality .
15 But it is not only through his healings and exorcisms that Jesus shows himself as the bearer of the Spirit : he claims it explicitly in the controversy with the scribes about Beelzebub ( apparently another name for Satan , conceived of as ‘ lord of the house ’ ) .
16 Studies 2 ( 1957 ) , 264–6 ) , shows himself as a frightened little being who had been sold into slavery in a remote land .
17 Frank shows himself to be the only ventriloquist to move his lips but not his teeth .
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