Example sentences of "find themselves " in BNC.

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1 Irish catholics find themselves in an ambiguous relationship to Irish nationalism .
2 Since it is usual in training to make circuit patterns from 800 feet or so , inexperienced pilots are often seriously put out if they find themselves unable to do this on a field landing .
3 Most pilots who are sensitive find themselves incapable of doing this exercise and their reactions are obvious .
4 The result has been a noticeable increase in the number of pilots who suddenly find themselves faced with a situation far beyond their control , usually a situation that they had not even considered at the start of the flight .
5 Half the people in the study received nothing from a formal agency and the authors conclude that the Social Fund ‘ is largely irrelevant to most real-life situations within which the poorest people find themselves ’ .
6 For example , when the musical phrases get complicated because of the use of many notes , the dancers find themselves using their hands feverishly in order to give every note its value .
7 The dancers or players in a theme ballet will need to convey the general atmosphere and any other element pertinent to the situation in which they find themselves , as well as the mood and content of the music chosen to give them phrasing .
8 In addition , during start-up and overload conditions the capacitors ( and their larger parallel damping capacitors , if fitted ) find themselves with the wrong DC bias , and charging occurs through potentially very low impedances .
9 Scholes is not a Marxist , but his American cultural populism has affinities with recent Marxist writing ; at the same time , Hirsch and Scholes find themselves in unexpected agreement .
10 US airlines already find themselves at a disadvantage because of ‘ open sky ’ policies during Reagan-era deregulation , they say .
11 The opera 's subtitle is ‘ The School for Loves ’ ; and during the course of this dangerous experiment in human emotions , in which the two sisters unwittingly find themselves seduced by each other 's lover , all four central protagonists learn something about themselves .
12 Many jazz-players , often to the detriment of their later careers , rise to prominence through a single performance or achievement and find themselves saddled with an epithet expressing public expectations .
13 As not only Chubei and Umegawa but also Yohei and his wife find themselves under sentence of death from the Shoguns ' inexorable laws , both couples make a suicide pact .
14 But the authorities take all complaints seriously , which leads some constables to fear ‘ the flippin' solicitor 's letter ’ ( FN 5/10/87 , p. 16 ) , although one middleranking officer once expressed considerable sympathy for the post — tion some police constables find themselves in as a result of being hedged ( as they are in Northern Ireland 's more unusual position as a divided society ) between authorities who are exceedingly sensitive to complaints against the police and a public which has sections eager to complain , even in Protestant-dominated Easton .
15 Any members who find themselves in the Adelaide area can be assured of a warm welcome there .
16 Himself unspeaking , armed with his razor he reduces life to the level of a primitive ‘ shriek ’ with which ‘ the ladies of the corridor ’ , despite the way in which they ‘ Call witness to their principles/ And deprecate the lack of taste ’ , find themselves inescapably ‘ involved ’ .
17 This tripartite distinction , easy to uphold on the grounds of typography , is complicated , however , by the fact that fragments of the italicized Lord 's Prayer passage find themselves brought in from the right-hand margin to form part of the body of the text when , further truncated , they make up the liturgical stutter of
18 Weakened by the separation from their families , suffering often the loss of mother , sisters and close friends , these Asian women find themselves in a strange unknown society .
19 Snatched from the security and love of their sisters in the joint family , Bengali women in Britain often find themselves forced into total emotional dependence on their husbands .
20 When people from this background find themselves in the middle of an industrial set-up , it is not easy for them to adjust their values or frames of reference , just as people from an industrial society , used to individual wages and jobs , would feel confused if suddenly thrust into a peasant society .
21 With the details of ohms , amps , radiation dosages , and the speed of a new high-velocity missile fresh in their minds , the military technologists have exhausted their discussions and now find themselves on parade .
22 We can provide a proper home for those who find themselves with nowhere to live .
23 He trawls for advice and information from dozens of people , who find themselves invited to Kensington Palace quite out of the blue .
24 They go quite privately ; they buy tickets for the Grand Tier and , although a detective goes too , no one knows the Princess of Wales is in the house until they find themselves sitting behind her .
25 Dr Runcie said the new rules ‘ tried to steer a course between what I described as legislative schism and a measure which would reduce to second class membership those who find themselves unable to recognise women priests ’ .
26 They find themselves , for the first time , able to contemplate the two main features of Labour policy , greater independence in the investigation of complaints and a London police authority , with something less than total horror .
27 For those who find themselves in that category , something extra is now needed , some adventitious stroke of fortune , something to upset the terms of the argument and create a world no longer dominated by a leader of proven unpopularity .
28 But until they get any money back , the Tysons find themselves in the position of the gambler who gambled all and lost .
29 Many people find themselves homeless within a year of leaving care .
30 Investment banks made hay while takeovers shone , but now find themselves with too many overheads , too few profits and no friends at all .
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