Example sentences of "suddenly let " in BNC.

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1 Disgust vibrated in her voice as she suddenly let go of some clearly banked-up and held-back emotion .
2 They had just sat down when Zach suddenly let out a cry .
3 If a character picks it up , then all hell is suddenly let loose ( so to speak ) .
4 Without warning , it suddenly let out a blast of the 62 first line of Dixie on a five-tone airhorn , so loud and so unexpected that it made Alina take a startled step back .
5 He suddenly let her go , turning away impatiently and pressing a bell .
6 The roar beats toward Keith , unleashed fifteen-year-old energy , suddenly let out , wild , the crowd joyous to find themselves together braver and better than the individuals had imagined themselves to be .
7 She suddenly let out a long sigh and swept her hair from her face .
8 A neat passage of midfield play involving Russell , Cunningham and Tony Shepherd end with Davidson making an incisive run ; as Glens defenders waited for a pass the little full-back suddenly let fly with his right foot , squeezing the ball past Grace .
9 Charlie felt he had suffered enough insults for one day and suddenly let rip , ‘ Sergeant Trumper , 7312087 .
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