Example sentences of "put forward " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that a simpler approach to detecting the direction of motion of an object , one method of which was put forward by M Kumaran in July , is to use half a 74LS74 D-type flip-flop , as shown in the diagram , which performs exactly the same function .
2 Edward Weiss , chairman of the report 's working party , said the recommendations were being put forward as an alternative to privatisation .
3 ‘ A motion has been put forward that the Polish United Workers ’ Party ( the Communist Party ) should … give the right to vote to all of its members .
4 The plan was put forward in Brussels last week in line with the mandate to orchestrate the aid effort given to the European Commission at a meeting of 24 Western nations in Paris in July .
5 It is for this reason the UK accountancy bodies have put forward the idea of a European accounting standards body in the hope of persuading Brussels to toe the IASC line .
6 Theories have been put forward that it had anything from 6 to 24 sides , and even that it may have been circular .
7 Since the fifth century BC , when Democritus of Abdera first put forward the idea , scientists and philosophers have speculated on the nature of the fundamental constituents of matter .
8 Eliot was fascinated by the idea which Cornford had put forward ‘ in ‘ The Origin of Attic Comedy ’ , [ that ] this [ medicine-man ] Doctor may be identical with the Doctor who is called in to assist Punch after he has been thrown by his horse' .
9 Though his ‘ City ’ is put forward as a remedy for secular , increasingly industrial-urban values , he does conceive of it as including non-Christians , though these he hopes would be a minority .
10 Though he now said that he was ‘ no longer very much interested in my own theories about poetic drama , especially those put forward before 1934 ’ , the old interests which had fascinated him from his first dramatic Fragments continued to grip him , leading to the fact that each of his dramas had as its ‘ sort of springboard ’ a ‘ Greek myth ’ .
11 In perhaps one of the most shocking hypotheses ever put forward in the drama , Genet suggests that the only thing that distinguishes the sexual pervert who masquerades as priest , king , or hero from his legitimate social counterpart , is a certain timidity .
12 For Fanon this means that , despite Europe 's crimes , which will not and can not be forgotten , the Third World 's ‘ new history of Man ’ must ‘ have regard to the sometimes prodigious theses which Europe has put forward ’ since ‘ all the elements of a solution to the great problems of humanity have , at different times , existed in European thought ’ ( Wretched of the Earth , 253 — 4 ) .
13 The first such questions arises over the specific status of the evolutionary sequence which is being put forward .
14 There is a Bertone version on the cards and it 's believed both Pininfarina and ItalDesign have also put forward proposals .
15 The argument might be put forward , therefore , that the treatment slows the body clock enough for it now to be adjusted to a 24-hour day by normal time-cues .
16 The consultants calculate that ministers have put forward £250 million for the shake-up .
17 But John Morgan says : ‘ Dumenil may have put forward some thoughts that might help unit holders , but it needs a lot of thought before it turns into a proposal .
18 But John Morgan says : ‘ Dumenil may have put forward some thoughts that might help unit holders , but it needs a lot of thought before it turns into a proposal .
19 ‘ Meat and animal-based foods were put forward as the most nutritious form of sustenance and this propaganda changed the shape of generations .
20 This is reckoned to be the largest exercise of its type since the reforms were put forward , blood pressure started to rise , nostrils began to flare and so on .
21 The World Bank has already put forward proposals for a global environment fund with which UNEP and the UN Development Programme would be associated .
22 ‘ Inflation ’ , as this is called , got a rapturous reception when it was put forward in 1980 , despite , or perhaps because of , its weirdness ( cosmologists , after all , undergo years of training so that they can say things like ‘ When the universe was the size of a grapefruit ’ without blushing or laughing ) .
23 Lloyd 's has put forward a constructive plan ; it must not be allowed to flounder on rate .
24 For it is not clear that the generative or productive motions which ‘ cause ’ a circle really are put forward as ‘ efficient ’ causes ; Hobbes has a tendency to speak of them in ways which make it not inappropriate to think of them in terms of some notion of ‘ formal ’ cause .
25 Since , as the very titles of his books illustrate , his immaterialism was explicitly and primarily put forward as an antidote or corrective to scepticism and atheism , it was important that he explain this .
26 Soon after this , his name was put forward for the Jamaican Senate and he became a member , but although he attended regularly it was not something he took to .
27 The event was not much talked about in the family ; it was too dreadful ; and I do n't suppose for a moment that Aunt Kate , then living abroad , would have wondered whether she , herself , might not have played a part in the sequence of events ; nor do I remember any such theory ever having been put forward or even thought of at the time .
28 More trade-union sponsored Labour candidates were put forward in the 1929 General Election as unions recognized the failure of industrial action .
29 A significant proportion supported the appeasement policies being put forward by Chamberlain .
30 Many bizarre proposals have been put forward to save the tower in recent years , including flying a huge helium balloon from its top , securing it with a giant safety pin , and lopping off its uppermost floor , which is a later addition .
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